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Omex 600 Injectors Not Firing

  Mk Clio 1.8 16v
Hi All

Been a while! I'm wondering if anyone could shed some light on my standalone Omex for my mk1 on bodies.

Currently the injectors aren't firing fuel in, & no engine firing.

Injectors are Bosh 280150802 Low Impedance, so I have the resistors from Omex for this.

Short clip showing some live readings.

any help greatly received!



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio Cup 172
Hi, check the Omex relay /connections which you have to fit when installing the ECU.

Similar issue drove me round the bend until I eventually discovered that this was the problem.

PS it is a special relay as it switches two circuits I seem to recall, so a standard "looks the same" relay won't work (as I found out :( ).

Spoox Motorsport supply them.

