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"On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

First post here so go gentle ;)
Went out yesterday for a play with a camera part, weather not that good so a bit dark.




  Octy vRS & Ninja 650
What equipment did you use to do these matey?
Looks very good. Did you use one of those suction cup tripods or something?
Cheers for all the coments.
As for the questions I was using a Canon 350D with a sucky mount thing.
And no where near Newbury Im from Derby.
Dogs b****cks shots. I've always fancied taking some of mine like that or better still making a video with some externally mounted camera footage.
if you are goiong to use it during the day I recomend you use a CP and some ND filters and/or use a car park. you'll loose a bit of sharpness but you'll be able to use a longer shutter speed that way you'll get a lot more blur. also don't have your iso set to 400 diffraction will occur above F11 and your image will decrease in quality.


if you are goiong to use it during the day I recomend you use a CP and some ND filters and/or use a car park. you'll loose a bit of sharpness but you'll be able to use a longer shutter speed that way you'll get a lot more blur. also don't have your iso set to 400 diffraction will occur above F11 and your image will decrease in quality.

You have to excuse my poor grasp of cameras as im learning all the time but "cp and and some nd filters". Im guessing neutral density but what is cp? What other techniques do you recommend? Any help is cool as it will make for better picks in the future ;)
cp - circulare poloriser. its usefull for removing reflection son one plane but it also reduces light by 1.5-2stops so acts as an ND (you guiessed right)

get the mount set up and do a dumby exposure of the time you want then check the histogram and LCD pic to see if you need to dial in exposure compensation. it is better to do in less light as you can do longer exposures which allow you to be going slower = less vibration and less chance of camera going awol lol. using ISO 400 means you are increaseing light sensitivity had you been at iso 100 you would still have been 2 stops lower in your aperture. are you using a manfrotto suction cup?

I'm still learning to do stuff with my mount and it does not always work

The suction cup is this from a company called fast films. I though it was a bargain at £25 (somebody will probably tell be different)

