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Opinions Please :D

  RS Meg 175
Hello peeps,
Ive got the chance to get the following bits for my car but i would like to know what sort of price i should look at offering and more importantly is the kit any good! lol
here goes :):

JBL 1000 Subwoofer **NEW
Renegade 500 Watt Amp **NEW
XL Carpeted Box **NEW
AutoLeads Wiring Kit **NEW

What Ya Thinks ? lol
£100 to £150 ish mate if its all brand new, wouldnt pay anymore than that..

i have the JBL sub and its really good :D
  RS Meg 175
Ok nice one mate, is there any guides kicking about on how to fit subs and amps does anyone know?
Cheers :D
its simple mate.. hardest part is getting the power cable through to your battery from the passenger footwell (sure someone on here will know where it is on a mk2ph1..)

and tucking the wires away neatly takes a bit of time.. just make sure you have a good earthing point!
  RS Meg 175
fusion are sh*tache thought arent they?
All i want is just a nice quality bassy sound, without paying loads or blowing my ear drums through my nose

Anyone any ideas :D
  A well built VW
TBH I dont think you would find much of a difference at most things in this price range - Avoid Fli like the plague as they are supposed to be really s**t
Motorworld are doing a full JBL kit for around £150 if that appeals
  RS Meg 175
i was looking at FLI! they looked mint in those ready made enclosures
hmmm dnt know what i should do now thn :S would theyre be much difference in just uprating the standard speakers? or buyin a new HU?>
Cheers :)
  BMW Z4 3.0i
caraudiodiscount are doing the 12" Vibe active enclosed sub for £190 I think (including a wiring kit) brand new. I've not heard it but this is supposed to be a kick ass range of subs and this sub is well over £200 new everywhere else.

I'd get one but my standard head unit doesn't have pre-outs :(
me and a mate had a FLI sub, both blew and had to be taken back.. though when it worked, it was good.. would try and get a separate sub and amp package if i were u :)
  A well built VW
new hu and a good set of comps would be a better start as you will reap the rewards later when you add the sub and amp
  Clio 182
justinRT said:
its simple mate.. hardest part is getting the power cable through to your battery from the passenger footwell (sure someone on here will know where it is on a mk2ph1..)

and tucking the wires away neatly takes a bit of time.. just make sure you have a good earthing point!

It is simple, in the engine bay, bottom right hand corner, theres a little rubber cap thing! Connect the power cable to the battery, from that, feed down the engine bay, through the hole where the rubber was and into the passenger footwell! Take the carpets up if you want it to look good and hide wiring! Took me all of 3 hours, to wire, take up carpets, re route cable round car, screw down amp and mount the speakers!

Hope that helps?!
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
The Big Yin said:
new hu and a good set of comps would be a better start as you will reap the rewards later when you add the sub and amp
Indeed. I noticed a huge improvement when fitting just HU and comps.
