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Orange UK Getting iPhone??

  182, SQ7, Trafic
Well I Googled about getting an iPhone on Orange as I can't get one to work with Three apparently and I want out of Three ASAP as there s**t! And Orange is the only other network I can get signal with at home. Anyway I came across a lot of rumours

All saying the same thing as that! My Three contract is up in October just ready for this :D hope its true!!

Also anyone on Orange with a cracked 3G iphone, please PM me as want to ask you a few questions. Thanks
I'd hope more networks might help resolve the current piss poor contracts that you get on iphone but I suspect not.


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
This rumour has been around for a long time. Definitely possible though as Orange have it in other countries.
Seriously Ben? So would it be possible to source an iPhone on Voda and use it in the UK with my simcard??
  1.2 16v Dynamique
My cousin's fiancee manages an Orange shop in Wales and she told me that Orange are getting the iPhone in late October/early November but they will be getting the model behind O2 if that makes sense, O2 has just got the new 3GS (I think) and Orange will get the model behind the new O2 one (bit vague on models as my iPhone knowledge is pretty poor).

She also said that to get one free you will need to sign up to a 24 month contract of at least 40 quid a month...


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
My cousin's fiancee manages an Orange shop in Wales and she told me that Orange are getting the iPhone in late October/early November but they will be getting the model behind O2 if that makes sense, O2 has just got the new 3GS (I think) and Orange will get the model behind the new O2 one (bit vague on models as my iPhone knowledge is pretty poor).

  Citroen DS3 DSport
Orange and Orange employees have been claiming they will be selling the iPhone since shortly after the launch of the 2G handset.
  Titanium 182
Trying to cancel your contract with three is laughable. Even when your literally screaming at them after being on the phone for half an hour they still try and sell you another contract!
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Trying to cancel your contract with three is laughable. Even when your literally screaming at them after being on the phone for half an hour they still try and sell you another contract!

Tell me about it, my Mum spent over an hour trying and the stupid Indian woman would not have it! I rung up and put the s**t into this bloke and got hung up on, then rang back and they swiftly done it ;)
