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Ouch insurance sting!

  A red missile
You'll be delighted to know that my premium for the beastie this year was £415 inc. protected no claims.

Its great being an old fart.
  Fiesta Zetec S TDCi
I moaned when Diamond charged me an extra £25 for mine for 6 months :eek: maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

I used to be with AA insurance and they were brilliant, new alloys, no charge, SS exhaust, no charge, new ICE, no charge :approve:

I think I'll be going back to them this year.
Think yourselves lucky my insurance is £2181 fully comp on 06 plate 1.2 clio with 17" alloys but they didnt charge extra for the wheels and that was the cheapest quote around for an 18yo with 1yr no claims Bit STEAP isnt it
we cant win:banghead:
john1.2pearl said:
Think yourselves lucky my insurance is £2181 fully comp on 06 plate 1.2 clio with 17" alloys but they didnt charge extra for the wheels and that was the cheapest quote around for an 18yo with 1yr no claims Bit STEAP isnt it
we cant win:banghead:

Bull s**t is that the best quote you could get! My insurance at 18 was 1300quid and that was 1 years no claims and 1 fault claim, and it wasnt that long ago i was 18!
