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Met a guy in Portsmouth yesterday, named Dew, was driving a 1.8RSi, quick little thing too!

When he pulled over for a chat I discovered it had 14" wheels, hence the good acceleration, he also had a twin exit exhaust hed made himself, de-catted and virtually no silencing, he also should me his party trick, this involved driving at speed, then flicking a switch on the dash to get out the ignition coil, then when it was flicked back on it let out a bang so loud my ears where ringing and flames shot about 2ft from each pipe, surely this cant be good for it, funny though!!!

Cheers, Simon.

PS Hes taking it off the road for a few months to fit a Volvo 440 Turbo lump into it, should be interesting.

ull find if u go off the mark againt eachother itll seem quic because its an eight valve once u get up to about 4000 revs ull take off and leave it behind quite easily, raced one before off the lights.

we met at the next set of lights and the gut in the rsi gave a wave to acknowledge eachother, think he wanted to see the difference in his and mine really thats why he was happy bout losing.
