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Over Revving!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Ive been practising my standing starts over the past few weeks and cant quite seem to get it right!

How do you get good traction without spinning all over the place?!

Also I was getting a bit annoyed at one point and really booted it - when I changes into second there was just no drive - it felt like a badly slipping clutch but it wasnt that - I had to stop and pull away properly to get it going again!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Im pretty sure it wasnt a slipping clutch as its been fine since.

whats the easiest way to tell if your clutch is slipping?

smell :), mine slips when i boot it. stinks!, but then i slip it to get away faster, else i wheelspin or lose revs.

itll slip when you boot it away from a standing start, 2nd gear whilst you slam the change most people gas it before its fully engaged so you get a period whilst the flywheel and clutch disc match their speed, and you accelerate very slowly, frying your clutch. Its not a permanent thing, but its not good to do.

Just change slower.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Sounds like what I maybe did? - Its defo not slipping as its fine with starts and it only happened the once.

Dont fancy doing it again Ill tell you!
