Hello paddy i have spoken to you a number of times about this insurance claim but still it is not settled. The incident happened way back in may last year and ever since then the accussed has not been playing ball.
I thought i might have been getting somewhere when i was awarded back my 2 years ncb quite a few months back now, im sure you even said it was in its final stages. Even when the police reported to me that he had admitted it to them i beleived that he was not gonna get away with it.
Still waiting ive been getting really wound up as you can imagine, i went to my insurance brokers today looking for anwsers because i have not had one single letter or phone call from anyone who is dealing with this claim.
So my brokers phoned who is dealing with it, i think it is some solicitors because i was only 3rd party at the time it was being dealt with under that 25pound legal protection thing. They had told my broker that the party responsible had not been replying to any letters that had been sent out to him either from his own insurers or these solicitors that are dealing with it.
Now my fear is that he has cancelled his insurance and i actually beleive he is no longer driving and has moved address so they assumingly cant get hold of him, how does this effect me?
Does this mean i wont get my money?
surely he was insured to get the claim to this stage as to reward me back my ncb, wouldnt i have heard otherwise?
Whether they can trace him or not, he was still insured at the time of the accident, whether he is still insured or even driving, shouldnt his insurance co still pay up?
What can be done, if you no what are the next steps that will be taken?
When my broker tried to phone the solicitors it went through to answer machine so it could not get sorted anymore whilst i was down there so she said she would contact me within the next coulpe of days with some answers.
cheers for your help.