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Paint Code Confirmation and Buying the Paint


ClioSport Club Member
Need to get a tin of paint to do some touch up on my bumper and did a search of what paint code my car is (Ph1 172 in Titanium) and the forum says MV647. Went to double check this on the car to make sure so I don't end up with a blue paint knowing my luck! It doesn't exactly say "Paint Code: ###" just MV647, is this correct?

And where is the best place to buy this? Seen on the forum that have came up on a few searches, anyone better??


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  Phase 1 172, boxster
Hey mate, I work in a bodyshop down the road in newbury and live in thatcham, if you want I can mix some up in water base for you, all you would then need would be a bit of lacquer to go over them with so they don't just wash off.

Pm me if your interested :)
  1.6 Astra Sporthatch
Auto paint St Helens is where I got some NV432 (Monaco/Methyl Blue) from recently and it was a perfect match with excellent service, they're talked about on here alot.
