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Painting bullets - self fail....

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Arse. :(

Well, I primered up my other set of bullets and once set, I went about painting the base of the badge itself black, leaving the raised lettering the anthractite'ish colour of the primer.

That bit went really well. The black paint stuck well to the primer and with the iPod on it the background, it was strangely therapeutic. ;) Once dry, I touched up the black bits that I didn't think were spot on right, until I got the end result that I liked.

Left them for a few days and then thought that the last stage that needed doing was with the lacquer (no doubt that this is where knowledgable paint people will laugh). Sure enough, I gave the bullets a light coating with the lacquer and then left them for about 20mins.

On returning to them, the primer'd lettering looked spot on, but the black paint had bubbled and cracked horribly. At one point, it had lifted both the black paint and primer clean off.

As I said, arse. :( I don't know whether to try and get the paint off these ones and try again, or just get a new set of bullets? Either way, I know that the gloss black paint I have certainly doesn't mix with the lacquer well!


  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
Oh dear not sure how that happend, but probably the paint wasnt sticking to the original layer of the bullets. you did sand them before putting primer on ye?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I definitely didn't sand them first (n00b - I know!) - but the plastic primer seemed to stick really well. As did the black paint on top of the primer - it was just when the lacquer went on that things went tits up.

It must be the black paint & lacquer combo that doesn't work. Entirely my fault - I just thought gloss black plastic paint would do the job. Clearly I was wrong and the lacquer reacted badly to it.

  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
The bullets have a coat of lacquer on them Darren, so paint doesnt stick well to them, this is the way i spray my stuff, works on alloys to..

1, Sand them down get all the lacquer off,
2, clean them get all the dust off
3, primer over, (leave for about 30min)
4, light sand just incase any dust/imperfection
5, paint (leave for 30-45min)
6, lacquer and leave for about 45min..

^ did that today for 3 alloys and their all in perfect condition,

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Cheers for the info guys. Do you worry much about getting the lacquer from inbetween the numbers themselves? What grade sandpaper do you use?

  DCi 100
Nothing 600 or lower if your looking to just remove the laquer dude.

It's a pain not to damage the text texture making them unsmooth when trying to remove a layer.
