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........ just went out to continue with my boot install, went to connect the power up to the battery

bloody forgot that i cant get into the engine bay

i now have to suffer the embarrassment of only having the front components being used (because they are not amped yet)

how much do i miss having some bass

** well they say that when one person has some good news, another has some bad news - in this case i am having both **


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

cant you pop it?

gonna attempt to fit my compos tomorrow


ive tried everything to try and get the cable to hold together for long enough, but it just keeps warping, there just seems to be no purchase on the cable

ive literally tried everything - still its gonna give reno a bit of a challenge when they try to open the bonnet to change the cable

even tried taping two matchsticks to the sides of the cable to try and stiffen it up, thats how desperate its getting
