Borderlands 2 looks awesome! I stopped playing it for a while for loosing a part of my save for some reason but it looks like I'll be playing it tonight
I go for the value aspect of it tbf. 3570 and a 670 will last me a fair while (bought last July). I tend to get 3 years out of my rigs by buying smart rather than just buying the latest and greatest. Suits me down to the ground. 1200 odd quid every 3 years doesn't really hurt the pocket.
A couple from my work/dev machine of the FaceWorks demo (running on SLI'd GTX 680's at 2560x1440).
EDIT: Damn... auto-scaling won't allow the full image resolution!
Cheers, Mike! It will look even better when you sell me your ultra-ultra-widescreen Dell monitor and Titans...Andy that terrain engine looks really impressive!
I use fraps, most directx apps won't work with print screen