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PC Restarting itself, HELP!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
For a long time now i've been playing the PS3 on my PC monitor and few days ago the screen froze and couldn't use the menu buttons on the monitor or even the power button. I then re started the PC it didnt re start the way it does. And now allot of times the PC just keeps re starting itself last night alone it must of happened 3 times and the past hour it's happened 3 times.

No idea what's going on, any ideas?
  Megane 225 F1
The CPU is overheating maybe. Check the CPU fan and sensor. Might be covered in s**t.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
If you're using the ps3 through the monitor the surely it has nothing to do with the computer?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I opened up the side and there was allot of dust inside. I blew out what ever I saw. It's re started itself 4 times in the past 3 to 4 hours


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
when i was playing last night on my monitor i could hear my PC getting re started and then not long after the PS3 whould turn it self off. that happened about 3 or 4 times last night. And today the PS3 hasn't turned itself off but the PC has re started about 4 times past few hours. Does that answer the question
Your power supply could be on its way out. How old is the PC itself?

Also try hovering all the dust out of the case, then (when the tower is disconnected from the power) take each RAM module out and just give them a blow.

Could be a number of things.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Your power supply could be on its way out. How old is the PC itself?

Also try hovering all the dust out of the case, then (when the tower is disconnected from the power) take each RAM module out and just give them a blow.

Could be a number of things.

The PC is about 1 year n half old, not clued up which part is the RAM module?

Why do you need the PC on to play the PS3?

I have the PC on near enough all the time any way. my tv isn't HD but my monitor is full HD. I just change the input source on the monitor when ever i want


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Also had the PS3 off half hour ago, and went down stairs and came back up few mins later and noticed the PC re started it self yet again. It had a blue screen with loads of writing then a black screen with options on SAFE MODE and START WINDOWS NORMALLY. same every time
These are your RAM modules



ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I've taken the RAM out and gave them a blow and cleaned abit inside. And made no difference


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
There was a blue screen but couldn't read it as it was gone within a second. I have now changed over a new extension cable few mins ago. See if that sorts it out.

Is this the most likely reason for it, the power supply ?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Ah right got ya, didn't know that.

Was mentioned on first page about monitor using power from pc? I've got a Dell ST2310 monitor

Is it common for the power supply to go? It's only about year n half to 2 years old


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
After changed a new extension cable in the last hour, just happened again
Cable wont make any difference. If its the PSU thats gone you'll need a new one.

Is the machine under warranty?

However, It might not be the PSU. Could be anything. What have you changed/done/installed before it started happening?


ClioSport Moderator
We need a bit more information really. Despite some massively sarcastic and unhelpful comments, you've made things a little unclear.

The ps3 has NOTHING to do with any of this, so lets leave that out of the equation.

Try to get a photo with your phone of the blue screen that comes up when it happens.
  E46 320D Tourer!
Try and get the error code that will flash up on the blue screen. Will be something like 0x000008e.

My thoughts are either the power pack or the potentially one or more of the resistors on the board have domed. Had similar happen to one of my old pc's. Replaced the board, job done.
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
if both the ps3 and pc are restarting, it *could* be short power outtages, but that is unlikely. I think you need to start again and try to explain the problem a bit clearer including how things are setup. What have you got plugged into the PC? are there any extra PCI cards inserted? First thing I would do, would be to unplug everythign thats not needed, remove all extra hardware such as TV tunners etc and see if it still happens. Also check the error logs to see if anything is showing, and check the dump file form the BSOD as this will effectivly tell you what the error was (which will help narrow things down).
Any Bugcheck code will be logged in the event logs so check there. You could also leave it running in safe mode to see if it still hapoens.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Like a baby's arm IIRC. WTF.

Babies building PCs?

Teaching them early - nowt wrong with that.

They need to learn Man-Spec-Machines anyway and not believe that the only progression from a Leapfrog device is twiddling their thumbs on a console.

As for the Geddes - could be several things m8. Initially, it does sound like overheating, but as you said that loads of dust has been cleaned from it - it could be other issues from a corrupt operating system, dodgy graphics driver - even a virus. Power supply, faulty memory stick - we could really do with a bit more description. As others - ignore the PS3 in this - it's just blurring the issue.

