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PC sounds a bit funny - Is disc drive shagged?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Had a CD on in the car before, sounded fine. Chucked it in the PC and ripped it to the hard drive, sounded all stattic, like it was a radio out of tune a bit. Can still hear the tune, but its really bad.

Cipied to the phone, done the same with that too.

Youtube sounds fine though.

Time for a new DVD Writer?
  2007 clio dynamique
Does it play ok if you just play it directly from the cd without ripping it ? What about other discs ? Do they play / sound ok
  LY 220 Trophy+IB PH1
The missus had a one like this before with Itunes, deleted and recopied fine - Disc might need a wipe perhaps ?

Could always try a lens cleaner
