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Petrol in 182

Hi just a quick question can you use normal unleaded in the clio or has it got to be super unleaded? just im doing a lot of motorway miles in the next few weeks and a hundred pound a week petrol bill £95 per litre on the super uh. does it lose any performance or any draw backs using normal??


says 98 on the flap so why use less! it will run on 95 if required as the ECU will compensate for it but i wouldnt put anything less that optimax or super in mine.
  Ziel Nurburgring

Quote: Originally posted by Loony on 23 August 2005

says 98 on the flap so why use less! it will run on 95 if required as the ECU will compensate for it but i wouldnt put anything less that optimax or super in mine.
I concure Sir!
  Mini Cooper S sport

I had no choice but to fill up with normal unleaded on the way back from Cornwall at the weekend and I wasnt happy! Car was fine and didnt feel any different, but I cant wait to get a nice tank of Optimax back in there.
  cock mobile.

I usually use Super at 97 RON, which works completely fine, I would have to drive about 30 miles to get 98, so 97 does me just fine.

Now and then when I cant get to a super unleaded petrol station I put in 95, works fine, but I feel like Im treating her badly!
  tiTTy & SV650

21k on 95 ron 95% of the time, doesnt really make any difference. The ECU compensates for it as said before.
  Boxster S

I nearly always use Tesco Value petrol, cant see any point when most of it is burnt sitting in traffic on the M4. Doesnt damage the car in anyway, so Im not going to spend the extra money.

If I know Im off on a nice drive or to a track, Ill run it very low, and then stick in a tank of Optimax or what ever I high octane stuff I can get my hands on.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182, 1275GT, C220

I used Super Unleaded for my first 4000 miles and my last 1000 I have been using the cheap 95ron petrol. I havent noticed a difference in fuel economy or performance.
  Scirocco GT 210

Quote: Originally posted by pfox on 23 August 2005

£95 per litre on the super uh.

Where do you buy your petrol from? NASA?? ;)

As has been said, 95 RON is fine, always use Optimax in mine though. I feel bad if I have to use 95 RON :oops:


ClioSport Club Member

Mine stuttered and idled roughly on the two occassions I put 95 in it...making smooth progress in stop-start traffic was a right pain in the arse.

If its like that at cant be doing too much good at 7500rpm...can it?
  Fiesta ST Stage 3

Dont noticed any diff in the 2 95 / 98 would only put 98 in a car now if it was a hi boost turbo .
  BMW 120i Sport

Bear in mind that Optimax is a normal (not super) unleaded fuel with additives that can degrade over time. Allegedly, Optimax can be lower than 98 RON because of this. There is a lot of info about this on many car forums.

Ive been putting normal unleaded into my 182 for two weeks now and i dont notice any difference at all.
  Clio 172 Mk2

I used to feed my 172 Optimax, but now she is on a regular diet of Tesco 99 RON. Only costs 3p more than 95 RON which is a lot better than most other garages which charge you at least 6p litre over the cost of 95 RON.

Very occasionally I fill up with 95 RON at garages that dont have Super unleaded or charge stupid money for it. But I get that sinking feeling of not looking after her! I suppose its like feeding yer cat cheapo value food knowing that she likes it less! :confused: At least the 172 doesnt have feelings... does it?
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf

Kepp the shell for new cars

Cars before 1993 ish cant differentiate between the ron levels and therefore your waisting your money

  artic blue 182

got stranded last night and had to use BP ultimate...stopped filling up when i saw the price 99.9 a litre:mad:
  cock mobile.

Quote: Originally posted by daveio on 24 August 2005
got stranded last night and had to use BP ultimate...stopped filling up when i saw the price 99.9 a litre:mad:

Yep I did that the other night, realised after I started filling up, put 8 quid and not a penny more.

I knew I was passing a shell garage later so filled up with Opitmax at 95.9.

Still too expensive though :(
  Clio 182

My next door neighbour just got rid of his 172 after being one of the 1st to buy one when they first came out. I was talking to him when considering getting my 182. He said he used to use super in the summer but regular in the winter. Why would he do that?

My next door neighbour just got rid of his 172 after being one of the 1st to buy one when they first came out. I was talking to him when considering getting my 182. He said he used to use super in the summer but regular in the winter. Why would he do that?

Coming towards christmas he was probably strapped for cash you know with the presents and all that!!
  Clio 182 / Lotus Elise S1

I usually put in Optimax when I can (I do about 80 miles per day) and Im sure it is a tad quicker on Optimax. If I cant find Optimax I put in BP Ultimate - did that tonite at 99.9p per litre! :mad:. Have put in normal uleaded a few times and cant notice any diff in performance between that and Ultimate tbh. Checked the mpg over a few tankfuls and I get 32-33 on Optimax and 29-30 on BP Ultimate.
