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Ph-Quick today. Drool.

Had a ph-quick follow me home from work today. X-reg titanium driven by a women about 45. I was going slow so I could watch it in my mirror, but she was driving even slower.

They have so much road presence compared to the ph2's. I just wanted to block the road and offer to buy it off her there and then, it looked mint.

Every time I see one, I want one. :cool:
Nah, I want one. The ph2's just look girly. The ph-quicks look different to the normal Clio. I will have one.
I am so tempted. I'd want a minter than mint one though. Don't know if I could handle all the extra speed though ;)


  Non RS : (
get aPH1 i love them 2 and i agree on the road presence thing to they look so diff to the everyday PH2 RS(which even i miss every now and again cus there so bland)


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
From the back they look like a 1.2, virtually identical bumper. You also have the dash to look at whilst driving :dead:


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
its in your vision though :(

Nah they are ok, if i needed to free up cash i'd probably take the plunge tbh. Much prefer the phase 2's mind. Cup is best stock ;)
Bloody hell, why would I worry what the dash looks like? If I wanted a car with a pretty dash, I'd buy a VW Beetle cos I could flowers in the flower pot.

Ph2 rear bumper and lights, and it'd look sweet.
  Audi TT 225
The fact that it looks like a 1.2 from the back is even better when you own the pants off some one because they just sit there thinking WTF was that!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
maybe i should stick a phase 1 rear on mine for the total 1.2 look? :rasp:


Rich, where's yours?

Ph1 front, Ph2 rear. Cable throttle owns too....
  Audi TT 225
Rich, where's yours?

Ph1 front, Ph2 rear. Cable throttle owns too....

Still at friggin yozzasport I was supposed to have it wednesday but they left the key inside and it autolocked the doors, then they said they'd managed to get in again, then they would call me back...I aint heard from em today either :dapprove:
If I get it tomorrow I get a grand total of 1 day to get it ready for FCS, if not Im gonna have to drive up in the gheyest 1.2 5 door clio 3 on the planet... oh the shame :cry:

Sorry ph2 peeps but the ph1 rocks joo,


I feel your pain mate! Mines still at Angelworks but progress is being made so looking forward to getting it back!

Love that photo, it looks the tits on white f1's. Almost wish it was mine ;)
  BMW E46 330i Touring
I thought it only autolocked if you unlocked the car and then didn't open any doors? Therefore, how would the keys get inside!?!

Hope it's ready for Sunday...
  Audi TT 225
God knows... I just had a phone call asking if I had a spare key, which I didn't lol

Mine been just over 3 months :(
  Leon Cupra 300
I reckon the cup splitter makes all the difference to the ph2's for road presance tbh, you seen a Cup in your mirror? Look MEAN!


ClioSport Club Member
  RenaultSport clio 17
Ph1 evertime. I've got a Ph2 rear bumper with twin exhaust for sale if anyone is interested. Titianium and both for a ph1. Get the best of both.



ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
its the wheel size/weight of the 182's, thats all, easily solved ;)


  Pajero 3.8 V6
There must be something about them. I have NEVER kept a car more than 6 months, until I had this and its coming up for 2 years!!



  Pajero 3.8 V6
I could sell you mine Rich??? You may have it quicker than your own!! lol:quiet:



I'm sure your's will be a LOT quicker with an engine that works and minus air con than before!
