A few weeks back in the Autumn, my interior fan became intermittent. There were a couple of times when it wouldn't switch on, but after leaving the car for a while it seemed to work again. Fast forward to December, I was on my way to the MOT centre and it stopped working again. This time it's permanent and won't come back on.
Heating seems to work. Once I get some speed up, there is warmth coming through the vents (it smells a little of coolant).
The radiator was changed back in August
When I turn the fan control knob, I hear a slight 'clunk' from somewhere in the dash. It doesn't strike me as a relay, as noise is too deep for that. Maybe the motor has an issue and doesn't have sufficient torque to get moving? (the car is used only at weekends and does under 1.5K miles a year. I know that motors in general can have issues with brushes / commutator if not used regularly)
When the fan stopped before, I left switch in position 3/4 and it came back on its own accord, about 5 mins from home.
Is there a possibility that something was disturbed when the radiator was changed?
TBH, I cannot recall if the fan ever had issue before rad was changed, so cannot pinpoint that as a cause 100%.
Is it a real dog of a job to change the fan motor? What does the slight clunk suggest to you?
A few weeks back in the Autumn, my interior fan became intermittent. There were a couple of times when it wouldn't switch on, but after leaving the car for a while it seemed to work again. Fast forward to December, I was on my way to the MOT centre and it stopped working again. This time it's permanent and won't come back on.
Heating seems to work. Once I get some speed up, there is warmth coming through the vents (it smells a little of coolant).
The radiator was changed back in August
When I turn the fan control knob, I hear a slight 'clunk' from somewhere in the dash. It doesn't strike me as a relay, as noise is too deep for that. Maybe the motor has an issue and doesn't have sufficient torque to get moving? (the car is used only at weekends and does under 1.5K miles a year. I know that motors in general can have issues with brushes / commutator if not used regularly)
When the fan stopped before, I left switch in position 3/4 and it came back on its own accord, about 5 mins from home.
Is there a possibility that something was disturbed when the radiator was changed?
TBH, I cannot recall if the fan ever had issue before rad was changed, so cannot pinpoint that as a cause 100%.
Is it a real dog of a job to change the fan motor? What does the slight clunk suggest to you?