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phase 2 gril on phase 1

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

Im attempting to fit the phase 2 grill on my phase 1 clio. Its obviously been designed different because the usual screw holes dont line up at all. Anyone know an easy way around this before I go and make some bizzare shaped brackets of some kind!


You need to buy two little plastic clips from Reno. These attach to the end of the plastic trim under the light and the grille can now be bolted onto this.



Where did you get the Phase 2 grill from? I been looking for ages. Never tried Renault as they probably cost an arm and a leg. How much did you pay?
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

Thought u meant the brakets for a min there mat.

Kev, I swapped my phase 1 with Leigh as I dont think his fit with having nice headlights. That remins me I need to send the hole covers. Leigh send me your address again please mate!
  clio williams, Ph1 172

part number is 77 00 832 950

Got one today. About 80p each. I only got one at the moment and got the other on order. Why the f**k would anyone want one I dont know! Thought they would be a pack of two. Now I just need the bloody grill!

Yeah, was the same when i was after some rear brake discs, they only had one in stock!!! Who in there right mind is gonna replace just one disc?


Might not come up on the web but its in the catalogue i got with C&CC.

