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Phone / Contracts

  Lupo GTI
My phone contract runs out in a month, on Flext35 with T-Mobile, had a look on the upgrades section on there website but not too keen on any of the phones.

As of yet, nobody has rang me from them to offer me any good deals, so I'm gonna look elsewhere for my new phone.

What phones do people recommend and what contract?

I'm looking for something that I can easilly send messages, make calls, surf the net and use as an organiser - I was thinking something along the lines of a smartphone.

As said above, I'm paying £35 p/m now, I would like to keep it around there, but i'm not too fussed about going over by a few quid for a good deal.

Fire away :D


ClioSport Club Member
  Q8 E-Tron
I've just got a sim only on Vodafone for £20 a month, 500 mins and unlimited texts

Only good if you like your phone and want to keep it tho
  Lupo GTI
Haha, I'll have a butchers on your website.
See what you've got.
I'm a little excited now.
What phone you got? Any deals you'd recommend?
  Lupo GTI
Hmph, I think I'm gonna go the Blackberry way.
I just don't like the price of the tariff's on the iphone, especially when i'll be texting more than calling.
BlackBerry? Ouch.. awful.

(unlimited internet on the iPhone too.. so add unlimited texts for £7.50 and you're laughing ;))
Let me know what deal you want off the web and ill do it cheaper. For instance, i recently did for a mate,

blackberry 8310(curve), 600mins+ ultd txts + ultd internet + blackberry service, 18mnth contract for £30pm, foc handset.
