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Phone for work, BB, iPhone or Android...


ClioSport Club Member
So I've started a new job and need to pick myself a new phone for work.

Whilst it's subsidised I've got to purchase the handset unless I want to go with just the company basic which is a Nokia C5 I believe.

Having a look and the options are an iPhone, Blackberry or an HTC Android handset.

Now I've always been a Blackberry fan, my personal phone is a 9900, and I've had Android handsets in the past and not really liked them so have pretty much ruled them out.

For me the important thing with a phone are how it handles the basics really, calls email diary and texts are pretty much all I'll use with a bit of browsing maybe. I've never been fussed on apps with only the odd one like a tube map, train times etc being useful to me but this could change I guess.

A Blackberry would make most sense, always a fan of a proper keyboard and the way they handle messaging is great, but also see this as a chance to get an iPhone relatively cheaply :)

A 16Gb 4S would cost me £360 with the only other charges being any personal calls made, all data and business calls covered by the company.

In comparison a Bold 9790 would be £240 as I wouldn't want a second 9900, or a Curve would be even cheaper than that.

I think I know what the answer will be but what would anyone here do, just go for the iPhone and spend that extra? Worth waiting to see if a 5 is released towards the end of the year?


ClioSport Club Member
My head says just get another BB, cheaper and I like them, but kind of see it as a way to try out an iPhone relatively cheaply.

Also interested in the iPhone as a business phone point of view, I work in security and in an age where 'bring your own' devices is becoming the in thing for companies to do it'd be nice to see how it works in practice and what can be done.

There's no challenge with a BB as that's the one thing they were pretty much designed for :)
Ha. Then get an iPhone.

If you don't like it you can always sell it on and buy a Blackberry.

Apps are and they aren't gimmicks. It depends on what and how you use them. Obviously a fart app or whatever isn't really any use to anyone. But there's various apps that I use everyday that I wouldn't like to lose.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
I like the combination of BB for my serious/work phone, iPhone 4s for fun/personal phone.

Wouldnt want to be without either TBH so no idea which I would choose if I had to have just one.
  Clio 182
I have read to be the ultimate business man. You need BB for women and friends. Then an Iphone for business use. Not sure what magazine I saw this in though!I have both just as BBM is so useful but the apps and the whole iphone thing in general is great.
I have the C5 & SII from work, and a personal iPhone. I had a BB for a while, but couldn't get on with it as I was used to the iPhone.

I'll be moving to a company iPhone as my single handset as soon as the 5 is out as the iPhone just does everything better (IMHO).


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ClioSport Club Member
Ordered the iPhone, plan being I can swap them over for work/home usage if I feel like it. Got a small sim and adapter for my BB so can use it in either device and will get them unlocked.
