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Photoshop Batch Files

Oki.. Ive worked out how to make it save loads of different pics at the same time, but that doesnt really help me atm..

I want to resize, watermark and add a border but cant seem to figure it out! :(

This is CS2 btw.

Any help greatly appreciated! :)
  106 GTi
I made one PSD document at the size I wanted the resized images to be for posting up - and in this file put all the watermark and border information in it.

Then record an action on a sample image that resizes, places the above file in and saves the image.

That action can then be run using the batch command: Found under File - Automate - Batch and choosing a whole folder of images.
Not sure if you can get a plugin. But i use something called borderfx which is a plugin for Aperture and lets you export pics in batch with border and watermark/copyright logo. I'll see if there is anything similar for CS2.
I have the sample PSD with my watermark and border on it..

How do I save it as a action? :eek: I cant seem to find the option
  106 GTi
Actions Pallete - Choose new action from the drop down side menu, and use the record button at the the bot. of the pallete.
  106 GTi
No probs - All sorted then ? I just need a way of the computer automatically uploading all the files to the server after PS has made the web gallery now.
  106 GTi
Some earlier versions don't allow you to place a .psd file in for the water mark, border and require it to be a a vector eps. Actions to resize etc have been around since Photoshop 5 and work pretty much the same.
