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Photoshop Tutorials?

As above, I really want to start learning how to use Photoshop. I have the programme, but literally no clue how to use it.

How did other people learn to use it? And what would people say is the best way to learn how to use it?


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Embarrassingly enough, I learnt how to use photoshop when I was 16/17 by 'modding cars'. Changing the colour, adding wheels, lowering etc. I just adapted the basics from that (layers, etc) into other things. Used use a site called 'digimodz', of something. No idea if it's still going.

I guess you could even say it was photoshop that got me into photography. Some irony in that, for the purist's.
  Petrol Blue 182.
goodtutorials is a good website for learning different techniques, I aslo used to use tutorialized as well when I was younger. I'm pap at PS too

Also search on youtube on how to do things aswell
  RB 182 FF
ok here's 160 video tutorials where I learnt the basic skills for forum signatures

like this :


and this


or this


and finally


it's listed backwards so start at episode 1
Last edited:


ClioSport Admin
just play around pushing buttons until you learn where things are... id start with a youtube tutorial on layers and the basics really. like, draw a cartoon character and use the layers to seperate the colours/outlines/highlights etc... youll pick it up easy enough
  Nippy white cup
I used to go on their....very good stuff and lots of useful tips. Apart from that I just used to play around like Luke modding cars etc
  Fiesta ST-3
There are two ways I learnt. The first being digital photography magazine with their month by month tutorials.

And the other being, seeing something I thought was cool and researching YouTube. The videos and tutorials on there are endless!!
YouTube mate, its very handy and there is a tutorial for nearly every single operation. Thoroughly recommend it!

As people have said, have a play, once you have picked up the basics, try something harder, practice it and move on again, keep testing yourself, and most importantly stick with it, its hard at first, but once you pick up how to manipulate the program you're laughing!


ClioSport Admin
i remember when i first got photoshop... i geniunely expected to draw a picture and itd automatically (read magically) turn awesome lol

i tried to draw a dreamcast sonic the hedgehog... i couldve done better in paint lol!
  Nippy white cup
lol I find the best thing when you get into it is the much better when you can switch between mag/brushes layers etc with a few button presses

  RB 182
I learnt the same way as Luke, "modding" cars, using digimods, besides that, it's all just trial and error....don't really use it in my photography besides levels and curves and to clone all the crap out of the shots that's on my sensor.
