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playstation 3 pre-order

  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Indeed, when you're playing GT HD I'll just be laughing at the thought of wasting 500 notes on a console...

I think Forza2 is looking very promising, and although XBox hasn't had much in the way of good titles recently, hopefully that will change over the coming months.

Test Drive
Saints Row
Splinter Cell 4
Things like Dead rising and 99 nights, but they don't rock it for me :dead:

I know quite a few people that bought HD TVs just to play the XBox on, I didn't really get that.. But to each his own I guess. I have my XBox plugged into a HD plasma (42inch) and it really does look good. Not that it doesn't anyway, but just so clean and crisp !!
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
I said somewhere in another post that programmers are finding it more time consuming and costly making games for PS£, and as you have seen with great titles such as Pro evo and GTA4 they are coming out on both consoles now, Sony will keep some exclusives but i think they are clearly no longer the top dog in the world of consoles.

£500 is a lot for a console, im definately buying 1 but its going straight on ebay, i could have doubled my money with my xbox when i bought it.

Also dont expect the xbox to drop in price i have read in numerous places it isnt going to drop, initially i think that they were going to coincide the release of halo 3 with the release of the PS3, but thats not going to happen now. Instead we get call of duty 3 and gears of war, both of which look awesome.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
u know halo is gona be good looks amazing. Completely geeky but i had xbox live for 2 mnths and halo on tht ws f**king disgustingly good so much fun taking the piss out of americans
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Yeah the americans are so easy to wind up. The best is when you get a few rednecks playing together thats funny, The voice proximity is awesome, when i got halo 2 it was the only game i played for about 6 months, the single player wasnt as good as the first halo but live made it an amazing game
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Amazes me how noone mentions the Wii, The only proper games console, designed, just to play games and in a revolutionary way. The graphics are on a par with the other consoles, yet it will cost a fraction of the price!

It's only downfall will be a lack of games, and that will only happen if no one buys it! Seems such a shame :(
  Revels Mum & Sister
Own a 360, probs wont bother with the PS3 at first.

DEFO getting my hands on a Wii. Cant wait for that :)

Who needs Gran Turismo when you have PGR3 :)
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Saner said:
Amazes me how noone mentions the Wii, The only proper games console, designed, just to play games and in a revolutionary way. The graphics are on a par with the other consoles, yet it will cost a fraction of the price!

It's only downfall will be a lack of games, and that will only happen if no one buys it! Seems such a shame :(

Not much footage has been released for the Wii. At least not that I've seen advertised.

The 360 is a fantastic machine, it's all about the online these days. Nothing beats a few mates connected from around the country spinning each other off the road in PGR3 or battling it out on the normandy beach in COD2.

Anyone played Condemned ? I noticed yesterday that you can even play it with friends !!! It's the only game I've known to turn a room of 4 men into a bunch of little girls !!
Crazy Clio said:
well when the new gran turismo comes out and it's still the same game with appaling artificial "intelligence" and absolutely no damage due to them being in bed with the car manufacturers - but prettier graphics (again) and costs even more we will see waht you Xbox 360 owners say then :p

I agree ;)

I see the stats are starting to be rolled out, remember that the PS2 was by far the most underpowered system in the last gen, yet still "won", and regardless of whether the PS3 or 360 is more powerful, if either of them is so hard to develop for that the potential can't be untapped it's pretty irrelivent.

I personally think Sony have finally gone a step too far, they've had it easy until now but they didn't get their own way the PSP, and with potentially fatal mistakes like Blu-Ray on the PS3 it may be time for them to finally get beaten at a game they've made their own.
Saner said:
Amazes me how noone mentions the Wii, The only proper games console, designed, just to play games and in a revolutionary way. The graphics are on a par with the other consoles, yet it will cost a fraction of the price!

It's only downfall will be a lack of games, and that will only happen if no one buys it! Seems such a shame :(
I mentioned the wii. Can get 2 of them for the price of a ps3, and have enough left over to get a game or two
