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Please help! txt message problem

  Petrol Blue 182.
I keep recieving the same message from my other halfs phone, since 7pm last night I have recieved this message every 2-5 mins non stop.

there is no recored on her phone of this message being sent other then when she originaly sent it at 7 last night, its now doing my head in. her other messages are coming through and not repeating them selves.

I have delted the conversation on my phone and she has on hers, I've deleted her as a contact and shes deleted me, this must be an issue on my phone. I dont want to re format my phone and loose all my pics etc, but is that the only way?
  RIP Dan
Have you switched off your phones and back on?

Sometimes this is because reply using same centre is switched on one handset but in your case it's a tech hiccup. The network doesn't think it has been delivered and keep resending it.

Usually doing a location update i.e. switching off and on sorts it. It will stop eventually, just stick your phone on silent. If not get HER to call her provider.
  Petrol Blue 182.
Yeah, have switched on and off, kept phone off over night, even took the sim card out too, I've force stopped the messaging application on my phone, I'll see if that helps.
  Petrol Blue 182.
yep sim removed, just asked her to force close the messaging but still getting them, both phones are Sony Ericsson, hers is the original x-peria mine is the x-peria arc.

what could o2 do though?
  RIP Dan
Sorry mate forgot about this.

They will delete the message from the sms platform.

Sometimes they bounce around for days, had it a few times myself.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Having the same issue too. Missus is receiving texts from people upto 20 times (sometimes until 2 days later after it was sent).

On O2 as well.
