Right first of all lets get one thing out the way.
For a Road Car, 600wrms is more than enough. Cheapo Chavvy companies have runined Wattage, By plastering 120000000w on 6x9s etc etc. Put this into consideration, A stand Renault hed unit is probably sending no more than 10wrms to your door speakers, And upratedd one with a 4x50 internal amplifier is putting out around 25wrms.
600wrms is about the absolute limit you can send to the subs you have.
A channel is basically a positive + and a Negative terminal. When it comes to multi channel amp, You basically need a channel for each speaker. So if you want to run 2 sets of speakers (2 Left and 2 Right) thats four in total, so would need four channels.
A Monoblock amp (Class D, Sometimes called a "sub amp") is a one channel amp. You can run x amount of subs off it, But adding subs changes the final ohm load or impedence shown to the amp, so the figures it puts out are different.
An amp will be X amount of Ohms stable, Ie, The lowest impedence you can run on a 2 ohm stable amp is 2. You cant run 1 ohm on it,
Your Subs have voicecoils (which in simple terms are terminals) Some will have a Single Voice Coil (SVC) with 1 positive and 1 negative terminal. However, AS there are a huge range of amps out there, All with different specs, There are alot of Dual Voic Coil (DVC) subs out there, Which have 2 positives and 2 negatives. The advantage of a DVC sub is there are various ways to wire it to give you the choice of what ohms or impedence you wil lshow the amp.
Your subs, (1202D's I believe??) are Dual 2 ohm, a Pair of These can be wired to show various ohm loads, In this case, I'd wire them to show a 2 ohm load, In which case you need an amp that puts out around 600wrms @ 2 0hms.
The amp will have ONE channel, But both subs can be ran off this as its a monoblock.
have a read of this thread, Very similar situation to yours, And I've posted a few times in a bit more detail.
There is an amp recomended in there by myself (JBL one, Forget part number) that is ideal to your application
Hope i helped.