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Police Car / Speed Advice


Driving up the A1 this afternoon outside leeds heading back too camp about 2pm when im tagging along behind a fiesta on cruise control at about 78mph as i like to overtake all the straggling traffic in the inside lane, when the gf spots a BMW police car on the hard shoulder with a police officer in it, holding what seems to be a speed gun, but he is alone. I maybe would of been shielded from the speed gun by the car in front.

Has anyone had this sort of thing before. I suspect that i would of been caught before i would of noticed the car really, but i drove the same road from another 30mile and he did not come after me. I thought it could of been some form of anti-speed campaign or he was bored and wanted to play. Maybe stopping the cars excessively exceeding the speed limit. By no way am i scared of receiving the 3pts £60 fine if i was caught as for the miles i do im far far overdue them.

The only thing i could think of that it could of been some form of photographic hand held device.?

Anyone seen anything of the sort, as for a speed gun, i thought he had to have a witness, had to be out the car etc.


Think youll find it is probably an ANPR camera so wouldnt worry about a fine for speeding mate.


Quote: Originally posted by AdzC on 10 April 2005
Think youll find it is probably an ANPR camera so wouldnt worry about a fine for speeding mate.Cheers

i will not be an anpr camera if the officer is holding the gun

the anpr cameras must be static in the van for them to accurately read the number plate, any shake on the camera can mess up the reading completely

anpr cameras wil have 2 windows on the back, which when open, allow the cameras to read each side of the road

if he was holding a radar gun of any type, it will have been a speed gun, certainly not an anpr camera

Youre saying that its going to be a speed gun then how will the image be recorded.

If it is a laser (or 20/20) then the target vehicle speed would be recorded and then showed to the driver along with the distance it was clocked at after being stopped at the roadside. From what I can gather this did not happen.

The only other alternative would be a speed gun which visually records the target vehicle going onto a hard drive when a speeding vehicle is clocked and recorded. These are very big and as a result are found in the rear of vans.

You say that an ANPR camera has to be static but these cameras are utilised in moving vehicles which work fine competing with bumps and vibrations far greater than any experienced from a hand.

I disagree and maintain that it is going to be an ANPR camera.

Well he was alone in the car, and he was looking into it. Im trying to find a picture of it, but i dont think i can. Sort of looked like a telescope but had a larger centre section. He had it resting on the door frame.

I was just looking for a picture to confirm what he was using, dont want too be a geek or something but dont know the number plate checker against any other camera.


Quote: Originally posted by AliasOmega on 10 April 2005

Well he was alone in the car, and he was looking into it. Im trying to find a picture of it, but i dont think i can. Sort of looked like a telescope but had a larger centre section. He had it resting on the door frame.
He could just have been taking pictures and not actually be involved in an operation of any type.

it was quite possibly a laser or radar, but that doesnt mean you were done as mentioned previously you would have been stopped and shown the reading. Just because the officer has clocked your speed doesnt mean he will stick you on, i.e he might have looked at your speed and let you carry on past and waited for a tw*t in a beemer or something to go past at the ton.

Im sure youll be fine.
  Ziel Nurburgring

If he is holding it, then its a zap and chase set up. Crafty f**kers normally sit at the bottom of hills waiting for you.

All the others need to be immobile to be able to read the plate
  tiTTy & SV650

wont get done for 78 anyway, thats what it says on the dial but its probably more like 74 in reality, wouldnt worry bout it.

Quote: Originally posted by Swervin_Mervin on 11 April 2005

Youll be fine. Indicated 78 is probably more like 71/72.

Given the 10% + 2/3mph youll be well in.
i got 3pts and a 60 quid fine for 36mph on a 30 road in leeds.
i feel for ur poor people in west yorkshire... u got cameras and police with radar guns evey 500 yards.
  Full Fat 182 - Was..


All cameras have to be static or on a tripod, they have proved that by holding a camera you can increase the speed of a car by moving the camera towards it so giving a false or inaccurate reading.

this lead to all cameras having to be mounted, a held camera is agains conviction regulstions and you can get off with it!
  The Jinx

If you could provide a link mate with that in writing that could be very, very useful indeed. Especially since Manchester have recently become keen on using them.


ClioSport Club Member

The hand held ones are usually used by the coppers on the bridge to give a rough idea of speed, then they will join the motorway (for example), and follow you using the VASCA (or whatever it is called) system, then they will pull you over and do you like that.

I wouldnt worry mate.

Nothing you can do about it now anyway (not that that helps any I know).
  Renault 182

Quote: Originally posted by James 182 on 12 April 2005


All cameras have to be static or on a tripod, they have proved that by holding a camera you can increase the speed of a car by moving the camera towards it so giving a false or inaccurate reading.

this lead to all cameras having to be mounted, a held camera is agains conviction regulstions and you can get off with it!
I work for the police, and i dont where youve heard that from but i have used both in last 2 weeks.

Police like to use the van cameras, because they print a pic of your car, time, and speed you were travelling instantly on the by the time the officer has pulled you over had a chat........they have all the evidence in front of basically you cant argue about it, its a fair cop!;)

The hand helds ones dont print a pic, so its just a number what you see on the gun......again once they clock you its hello 3 points, so the hand held ones are perfectly fine to use....its just the van cameras its game set and match.

Going back to the original point, he probably had a held device.....but 78 isnt enough...i know my force like to add 10% and a few mph

For example in 30 zone we only prosecution above 40mph...its in no ones interest to fine someone for doing 31........but this might differ arond the country.

so i think you are ok!

[Edited by Gareth Rallye on 12 April 2005 at 11:49am]

[Edited by Gareth Rallye on 12 April 2005 at 12:01pm]
  Impreza Turbo

i actually believe most traffic cops are on the lookout for vehicles doing over the 90 mark, as most people drive at 80ish anyway on the motorway
  The Jinx

Not til they see a copper they dont. The number of times people have slammed on down to 60 in front of me is unbelievable.

I make a point of blasting my horn, gesticulating and then accelerating past up to 80.
  Impreza Turbo

Quote: Originally posted by Swervin_Mervin on 12 April 2005
Not til they see a copper they dont. The number of times people have slammed on down to 60 in front of me is unbelievable.

I make a point of blasting my horn, gesticulating and then accelerating past up to 80.

i totally agree with you there, i find it annoying also :(

There was something simelar in my neck of the woods (falkirk area Scotland)The police were using some odd looking gun to read Tax Discs. At least thats what I was told they were doing. Could it have been this anyone else heard of such a scheme? Or has someone been talking b****cks.


Youre speedo will under read mate, dont worry (all cars do this).

At 78mph on the speedo, youre probably doing a GPS speed of about 72mph. The faster you go the more inaccurate it gets as well. At 110mph on my speedo Im reading 99mph on the GPS!

^^ yeah on a private airfield ;) my mates speedo was reading 140 (in a evo8) and the gps jobby was reading 111mph lol. how inacurate was that?
  Ford Fiesta

Quote: Originally posted by Bryan on 11 April 2005

the above is an ANPR camera van, they DO NOT have handheld ANPR cameras

im sure the police officers on this site will confirm (if they see the thread at any point

Youre right Bryan. ANPR is linked up to PNC/DVLA and always in vans. There is A LOT of equipment in an ANPR van.

By sounds of it it was probably a laser gun, but if you had cruise set to 78mph, you were probably doing 76mph and if so I dont think you have anything to worry about.

He doesnt need another officer to operate a laser gun, he is the witness to what the laser gun says your speed is.

  Ford Fiesta

Quote: Originally posted by mudflap boy on 12 April 2005

^^ yeah on a private airfield ;) my mates speedo was reading 140 (in a evo8) and the gps jobby was reading 111mph lol. how inacurate was that?

lol, that needs looking at surely?

liam - im very well up to speed on the ANPR camera vans and their equipment, ive had a good look around one,
cheers pete :) <----- copper mate of mine
  Clio 1.4 Fidji

Quote: Originally posted by disco on 12 April 2005

There was something simelar in my neck of the woods (falkirk area Scotland)The police were using some odd looking gun to read Tax Discs. At least thats what I was told they were doing. Could it have been this anyone else heard of such a scheme? Or has someone been talking b****cks.

I saw one of those today, w small van with 2 cameras on it parked at the side of the road with a sign saying mobile tax check cameras or somthing like that, u see them now and again over here (NI), and police over here like to hide behind walls just around a bend and lean round and poke a speed camera at you, very sneaky! lol
  Ford Fiesta

Quote: Originally posted by disco on 12 April 2005

There was something simelar in my neck of the woods (falkirk area Scotland)The police were using some odd looking gun to read Tax Discs. At least thats what I was told they were doing. Could it have been this anyone else heard of such a scheme? Or has someone been talking b****cks.


probably just an ANPR machine, they can tell if your car is taxed just by checking your registration, no need to look at the tax disc at all.

DVLA use their own vans too, after all its the DVLA that fine you for expired VEL not the police.

when the police use them, they also check the PNC for warrants on owner, associates and any markers on the car/owner

excellent way to increase arrests, and not for petty motoring offences either :eek:
