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Police complaints

Does anyone know what information I need to make a formal complaint about an Officer?

Got stopped whilst queuing in traffic today and he gave me a right telling off just because I was turning off before the rest of the traffic and drove (slowly) across about 4 metres of chevrons to get to the junction (whilst traffic was stationary). I didnt hold anyone up or get in anyones path ... He gave me a right telling off (saying people like me... ie Young lad, modded car... cause accidents and that I was an impatient idiot and he called me a pillock as I drove off. It was totally uncalled for as I was very polite, so I just want to know what I need to know incase it happens again, because this guy was a dick!


officer name, number

details of when the stop was made

why he gave you the bolloking

think thats all

Quote: Originally posted by 1.6 16v on 03 May 2003

arent u allowed to go across these in order to overtake "slow or non-moving traffic"?
Only if its moving at under 15mph I think, but its very open to interpretation.

If the chevrons have a solid line then you cant cross/drive on them at all. If they have a broken line round the edges then youre entitled to drive on them as though they werent there, ie. theyre there to indicate the best path/layout of the road, rather than to force you off a piece of ground.

If they were solid lines you could have had a fine, so maybe you were lucky, although the attitude and stereotyping you experienced were out of order anyway!

Ring your local pigs and ask for a sergeant, they MUST deal with all complaints they recieve. Better still write to them. It might seem like a minor thing but we dont need c**t traffic cops telling us off like naughy little boys. Anyway on all these crash videos you see on TV the muppet drivers and crashed cars are all standard, Ive never seen so much as a 17" wheel so I dont know where he gets that modded car drivers are any worse than anyone else.

Complain to Professional Standards. Speak to your local Police HQ for their address in your area.

Im doing the same thing at the moment. It causes the police loads of hassle. The officers involved are served notice and then questioned under oath about the incident.

i have a DCI from Professional Standards coming to see me on Wednesday night as it happens. They cant do enough for me.


I didnt break the rules, my driving instructor (many moons ago!) said that so long as it was safe to drive on them you could. I drive along there occasionally and Ive never had to do it before but Im nearly certain theyre broken lines. He didnt say (shout more like) anything about breaking the law. Just that I was an idiot in a rush and people like me cause the accidents and then called me a pillock as I pulled away... The guy was a total sack!

I cant complain about this guy because I was so shocked by his behaviour I just drove off... Ill get the next one though...

police seem to think they are of higher status then the presidents now adays.. but their heads are shoved so far up their ass its infact us who are over their heads. and who pay their wages no? :confused:

When you are talking about cheverons are you talking about the centre lines or a marked area?

Crossing a marked area is a no no, its there for a reason (depending on the road probably) but if you crossed the centre lines then yes, you were in the wrong because there would have been no way you could have got back into traffic if an oncoming car was coming towards you.

If you sit down and think about it, you may well find that the officer was correct, now he may have been rather harsh but then again you took notice of that, if he was to have said "hello sir, do you know what you have done?" and had a very softly softly approach you probably would have taken no notice of it (and the fact that he probably has seen so many accidents caused by this sort of incident, most fatal ones).....

Driving instructors are not always correct either, an advanced driving instructor may not always be correct but will show you more about the road than you already know.


I didnt cross onto the other side of the road, the road widens at that point for the junction, I just crawled across a small section. Guess Ill just have to sit in traffic next time, I just didnt see the point in waiting another 5 minutes behind everyone until our side of the traffic was allowed to move when I was using the next turn off (about 8 metres away... a bit annoying you must agree!). If Id have hit someone theyd have had to pull out into me (from my side of the road as I was going past) or be on the other side and cut across into the junction box (for my side of the road).

It doesnt matter anyway, Ill just not do it again, then If I do get a copper talking to me like that hes got no excuse.

Cheers guys, Andi
  Clio 200 FF

I was a passenger in a car a couple of years ago when the driver crossed the chevrons on a motorway slip road (joining motorway), it just so happened a police range rover was on the motorway and saw this, he pulled us over and spent 10 mins giving the driver a lectuer and gave him a ticket - 3 points!!!

Think yourself lucky you didnt get any points

If you did commit an offence then you should thank your lucky stars that you didnt get 3 points up your a*se for your trouble!

People may sl*g off Traffic cops and there is no love lost between myself and the "white-tops", but Im quite sure that if we had to scrape as many dead folks remains off the tarmac, and then go and tell mummy that her wee boy is dead, then maybe our attitude would be different.

These guys dont ask to deal with some of the crap that thay are landed with but they do it anyway, for the safety of the rest of us...

And anyone who thinks that they "pay the wages!" should ask a police officer to see their pay slip and I bet you they pay a lot more tax and national insurance than most of us... so it would seem that they contribute to their own wages!!!

In fact why waste so much of-:

a) Your own time

b) Police time

c) Tax payers money

in making frivolous complaints just to fuel a personal grudge against the Police??

By the way, unless your allegation of being called names was corroborated you are onto a loser...

Quote: Originally posted by talizman on 04 May 2003
If you did commit an offence then you should thank your lucky stars that you didnt get 3 points up your a*se for your trouble!People may sl*g off Traffic cops and there is no love lost between myself and the "white-tops", but Im quite sure that if we had to scrape as many dead folks remains off the tarmac, and then go and tell mummy that her wee boy is dead, then maybe our attitude would be different.These guys dont ask to deal with some of the crap that thay are landed with but they do it anyway, for the safety of the rest of us...And anyone who thinks that they "pay the wages!" should ask a police officer to see their pay slip and I bet you they pay a lot more tax and national insurance than most of us... so it would seem that they contribute to their own wages!!!In fact why waste so much of-:a) Your own timeb) Police timec) Tax payers money in making frivolous complaints just to fuel a personal  grudge against the Police??By the way, unless your allegation of being called names was corroborated you are onto a loser...

Well my experience of traffic police is the same m8. Ive been pulled three times in my 6/7 years of driving and each time they have been complete c**ts. Regular coppers are always sound but theres something about traffic cops, in my experience they all think they are above everyone when as someone said earlier they are NOT. They public servants there to serve US and thats the fact of the matter. They are just human like the rest of us and need to be kept in check by their superiors just like anyone else, if not more so.

My partner works for the police and even regular coppers know that traffic cops are mostay a holes!

Quote: Originally posted by Squirt 172 on 04 May 2003

Think I had better keep quiet on this one....;)
LOL ....somthing we should know about....he he he

just go into the police station & tell them that you wish to make a complaint, they will give you a form to fill out & bring back..........but youll need the info that bambam said in the first reply

I got pulled off a copper in Sheffield for driving in thr Bus lane at the bottom end of ecclsall road, even though i was approaching a round about and i needed to turn rleft. The glorious boy in blue really enjoyed talking down to me and putting me firmly in my place. W**ker! Ive said it once, Ill say it dont WANT to be a plod, its something that just happens to you coz you only got 5 GCSes. Little Hitlers the lot of them!

Quote: Originally posted by Rallye-King on 04 May 2003

I got pulled off a copper in Sheffield for driving in thr Bus lane at the bottom end of ecclsall road, even though i was approaching a round about and i needed to turn rleft. The glorious boy in blue really enjoyed talking down to me and putting me firmly in my place. W**ker! Ive said it once, Ill say it dont WANT to be a plod, its something that just happens to you coz you only got 5 GCSes. Little Hitlers the lot of them!
Serves you right! Keep out of the Bus lane then!

No, I was in the bus lane for 100 metres max.. to put the blue lights on for that is pedantic to the extreme. The plod was an arse hole too...! wan*kers!!
  Revels Mum & Sister

I dont think all Coppers are w**kers.

Fact is young lads in modified cars do crash a lot. Think of all the Nova drivers everyone hates etc etc

Some are c***s. But I have met a few. Some are just doing there jobs. Cant really comment properly until you are in there shoes!!!

Just except the telling off and put it down to experience!

It wouldve taken 10 seconds to walk the distance I covered and he still had a go... Youd think hed understand that Id been stuck in traffic for about 10 minutes and didnt want to stop in a minute longer than necessary...

I drove down the same stretch today, I definately wasnt in anyones way and its hardly a motorway or anything... What got me was the way he made out that I was wreckless... The traffic was stood still and I was travelling about 2mph!

It seems everyone has mixed feelings about this but I just got the feeling the guy had "power rush" talking down to the "boy racer", and then they wonder why were not their biggest fans.

Ive been to cruises where the police have been sound and had a laugh, I only have respect for them, thats the way they should be.

He just made a meal out of a very little thing and thought he could determine my entire drving career from seeing one thing and he was rude about it. Its not fair to treat someone like that, is it?
  Was a Clio 1.8 16v

50% of pigs r all right & the other 50% are complete wan*ers.

Jus do what id do & shake ur head; dont let them think that uve do anythin wrong, always be polite and leave the bigger man. To be honest i wouldnt have give him back chat, just would have shaked my head to really p*ss him off. They will pick on young drivers & treat them completly different to how they would treat your Dad if he drives a respectable car like a Merc.
