Duragloss #901
i4d Uber orange clay
Smartwax Miracle Dryer (easily the bestest MF towel I've
EVER used)
Kestrel DAS-6
Clearkote Vanilla Moose Hand Wax
LC 6.5" and 4" white pads (did nowt lol)
LC 6.5" and 4" orange pads
Poorboys White Diamond glaze
LC 6.5" and 4" black pads
Poorboys EX-P Sealant
LC 6.5" and 4" blue pads
Think that's it. :S
Tomorrow it will be hit with a layer of Victoria Collectors yellow wax and some Megs Last Touch. As well as replacing the torn caliper piston seal and finally getting my new DS2500 in...then I'll go get it dirty bedding them in
