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Poor running 182

Evening all. I suspect I have a little issue with my Clio.

Firstly in the morning it runs like an absolute nail, splutters and miss fires and feels like the cars being pulled back. After a min it starts to drive half normal.

But still under normal temp/ driving the car still doesn’t run 100% right. Throttle response is really bad revs drop before they start to ride again. Also fuel consumption is a lot lower than my other clios. Sitting at 65 in the motorway it only get 25mpg.

Engine is completely stock/ stock map with just an air filter and decat exhaust system. I’m not sure if it would make a difference but the 2nd lambda sensor is unplugged with a bung in the decat. Engine management light is on.

Checked the car on a Obd reader and only 2nd lambda sensor errors comes up.

Timing on the car is perfect with belts/ dephaser/ full service being done 300 miles ago and always ran on 99 Ron fuel.

Any idea where I should start I trying to diagnose the car? This is my 5th 182 and never had one run like this.



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
All are like that from cold.

I'd start by replacing your front lambda, post cat doesn't matter.


ClioSport Club Member
Common for hesitation from cold on stock map as it holds back to warm the cat up. As above look at pre cat lambda see if that sorts mpg issues.

Decent remap will sort the hestation.
All are like that from cold.

I'd start by replacing your front lambda, post cat doesn't matter.
Are they really. I know they can run pretty bad when cold but none of my other 4 have like this.

I have a spare front sensor so will get that changed thank you


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
When you say other clios do you have another one you can borrow parts from? Personally, if it does feel a little held back I’d start by trying another coil pack. Then move onto testing the injectors. Finally the throttle body. I wouldn’t be firing the parts cannon at it, but if you have another car it may help diagnose.
