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Port Forwarding to IPhone

Is this possible?

Basically I've got a networked DVR and i want to remotely view it on my IPhone, I've tried most apps but i can only get it to work through the port if i'm connected to my router via WiFi.

Surely the port forwarding you need to setup is for the DVR rather than the iPhone. Find out what port the DVR is running on and port forward that and it should allow access.
Surely the port forwarding you need to setup is for the DVR rather than the iPhone. Find out what port the DVR is running on and port forward that and it should allow access.

I've tried all sorts of things with all the DVR ports. when it asks for IP address (on the app) it requires the DVR's IP address how does it know what router to access?
The IP address is your external IP address not the internal one, check on when on your wifi or home network. When you setup the port forwarding you just need to tell the router where to send the traffic on that port. Eg: port 339 send that to or whatever.

In your app you'll then put in your external IP (the one you got from and the port and your router will then push all traffic accessing it on that port to your DVRs internal IP address. Hope that makes sense.
woohoo, it works. Thanks mate all what you said worked along with switching my DVR network to DHCP.
Thanks again.
  Yellow 197
Your external IP will change as it isnt static, therefore everytime it changes you will need to look what it is and re-enter it into your iPhone app, you will need to either need to buy a static IP or setup dynamic DNS
  Chav Rocket
As said by andrew. Check out dyndns. Your external IP will be changing all the time.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
DynDNS is now a pay for thing unfortunately.

Call your ISP and ask for a fixed IP address.
