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Possible get out of contract early case

  R27 191/500
Just got a text from 02 informing me that due to VAT changes my contract will increase in new year, does this effect my rights? Will this allow me to get out of my contract early? Ne one know?
Just got a text from 02 informing me that due to VAT changes my contract will increase in new year, does this affect my rights? Will this allow me to get out of my contract early? Ne one know?

LOL. Can't believe O2 are putting the rate of VAT up. b******s!
  R27 191/500
I quote straight from text message from
O2 O2: Just to let you know on 4 January 2011, the VAT rate on your bill will go up to 20%. For more details, go to


ClioSport Club Member
Sort of related but recently I have been struggling to get a signal at home when previously it was fine.

Was speaking to a guy from IT at work (which is within a mile of home) and he said the local mast has been having problems, Orange have known about it for over a month but there are still signal problems in the area.

I used to get a good 3G signal, now i'm lucky to get any signal at all. Anyone know if I can get out early on this reason?


ClioSport Club Member
Orange are based in Newcastle? Or somewhere else in the North East, it all sounds equally retarded.

And FLOL @ this thread.
  Megane 225 F1
Orange are based in Newcastle? Or somewhere else in the North East, it all sounds equally retarded.

And FLOL @ this thread.

You will find that the phone companies will have call centres in both the UK and far east.

Vigrin and vodaphone have call centres in the town next to me. I know people that work (have worked) for both and they say that it's complete chance which call centre you will get put through to.


ClioSport Club Member
I always ask to get put through to the uk now, but that doesn't always go to plan lol


ClioSport Club Member
You will find that the phone companies will have call centres in both the UK and far east.

Vigrin and vodaphone have call centres in the town next to me. I know people that work (have worked) for both and they say that it's complete chance which call centre you will get put through to.


I am very familiar with how contact centres work.

But in 10+ years of being with Orange, I have never spoken to someone who isn't a Geordie.


ClioSport Club Member
I just read my reply back, that wasn't meant to sound as dick head-ish as it did.

Innit, I'm praying for an Indian contact centre so I can understand someone.

"Aye pet, byker grove, Geoff man pet man woman man pet"
  Megane 225 F1
LOL I knew what you meant ;)

I like getting the Indians. I like to talk really quick to confuse them,
Sort of related but recently I have been struggling to get a signal at home when previously it was fine.

Was speaking to a guy from IT at work (which is within a mile of home) and he said the local mast has been having problems, Orange have known about it for over a month but there are still signal problems in the area.

I used to get a good 3G signal, now i'm lucky to get any signal at all. Anyone know if I can get out early on this reason?


I'll ring them anyway, I fancy an argument with india :rasp:

An argument with India sounds entertaining ;)
I actually once had some random phone me up trying to sell me a phone contract who was Indian or similar. I could hardly understand him. I thought it would be fun to try and sell him my iPhone (which is what I had at the time). On the phone for like 20mins with him ;)

On topic: I hardly ever get a 3G connection on my BB. Its really annoying tbh, paying for a 3G contract, but never getting the coverage!
