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post pics of spoilers for 1998 clio

But those brake lights are for lorries and stuff so they can see if your braking... na I think my car is staying standard in the styling department...

the ren double spoiler is wot i wud choose no qs asked but sum1 on here who has it sed it cost about £300 from renault and i havent seen it anywhere else
  H22A7 Accord Type R

im keepin my bodystyling standard too.......wi just a few tweeks, gettin the standard spoiler colour coded and the grill painted. My car is silver, what colour do you all think i shud get the grill painted? Im wanting a dark-ish grey / GRAPHITE grey to give it a bit of a contrast from the colour of the bodywork...........any thoughts?
  H22A7 Accord Type R

yeah, i reccon the graphite grey just to make the grill stand out a bit more, withouth looking too garish
  H22A7 Accord Type R

the 172 crossed grill? Nah, i want it painted so that it stands out a bit more tom, ive seen a few meshed but the new spec grill is a bit big to mesh i think, not my cup o tea
