Quote: Originally posted by Bazz on 09 May 2003
Whats the cost of a new cam then Fartherted? Is it the same as the timing belt? if so its been done. How longs the chip take to put in and tune etc. Whats gains would i be looking at?
yep.......ive seen that question.......right next to....."how long is a piece of string !!!!
New cam: what cam are we on about ??? O.E ? Kent ? piper? do you want 1 or a pair ?
is it the same as a timing belt: well if you can buy a cam for your car for £20 ill be well impressed !
how long does the chip take to put in & tune etc: are we talking unichip ?? super chip ?? piggy back chip ? Mcains oven chip ? i would say it depends on whos fitting it & what problems may arise !
What gains would i be looking at?: that depends on what chip you have fitted & what sort of other modifications you already have done to your car !!
must admit..im a bit puzzled as to why youve come back with that reply !!
at the end of the day Bazz............like everyone on here is telling you..............putting a PBV on will do diddly squat !....you need the other mods for it to make a difference.....i.e gas flowed head..better cams , ported inlet & outlet manifolds.....etc etc !!!