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power cable

  white 197 CUP

just got my new car and want to wire it up correctly first time round how do you get the power cable from the battery through in to the car?????? has it got something to do with the bonnet relesae catch grommet?
  Polo + Micra

Quote: Originally posted by EvilJohn on 06 April 2005
Yep, best way is through the bonnet cable grommit and put the phonos down the opposite side of the car.

or the same side it dont matter
  white 197 CUP

no it does matter the quality of the music is distroted you can actually tel the diffrence, its just the power cable im havin problems with done it b4 but 4got
  Polo + Micra

Quote: Originally posted by durdzzz on 06 April 2005
no it does matter the quality of the music is distroted you can actually tel the diffrence, its just the power cable im havin problems with done it b4 but 4got

im not going into this again but if you have problems its nothing to do with the rcas being close to the power cable

if they are decent RCA cables, and you are picking up noise, the chances are its bad earthing

If you think about the internals of an amp - the rca cables and power cables are right together all over the shop! and not gaurded.

yes it is possible to pick up interference(sp) but its unlikly to be the RCA cables, but you may as well seperate them as it will be easier to spilt them in terms of space down the car.


A good amplifier has isolated circuits, so should not get interference there, though the majority of RCA cables used in cars can EASILY pick up distortion from the signal coming down the power cable from the battery. A cable that will not pick up this distorion would cost around £100/metre. As it costs this much to produce a high quality of shielding. Even then its still recomended to seperate power cables and audio cables. I know this as I have speant many years selling High end audio equipment, and have even demonstrated the difference seperating these cables can make.
  Polo + Micra

ok m8 carry on thinking your right

its one big myth m8. im saying it usually picks up the noise from a different circuit in your car(usually a motor or ignition)

[Edited by Dink on 4/7/2005 9:25:15 PM]

Dink I hope my PM clears it up for you, durdzzz as i said, run them seperately, and if possible install a seperate car battery in your boot to run the amplifier from instead, will produce hugely better peformance, especially if you use a good batery

people rnu them separately as they think it makes a difference

in all honesty, unless you are using really cheap poorly shielded cabling, you ownt have an issue

i never have, and have done it plenty of times (going into the hundreds)

bryan it doesnt always cause noticeable probelms, but it is generally adviseable to run them seperately as it may not cause a prblem now, but later down the line, if you are getting more spurious signals down the powercable then youll only need to re-route it anyway. I have run them together with no problems before, but have also done it and had huge probelems so had to strip them out and start again - god damn renault 5s - as i have already said, run them seperately for hassle free long lasting results :D

Sorry rorrie but black cat is wrong on this issue, and M4TT is right, its a topic you can argue untill your blue in the face, yes i understand blackcat works with PA equipment, but PA is VERY different to your car equipment or home hi-fi equipment. I would say to anyone who has read any of that thread, that blackcat is right on a lot of things in it, but a higher pre-out voltage is better, but you need the rest of the things in the cdplayer, and pre amp to be good as well, you also need a poweramplifier desgined to recieve the higher preout output as the standard LINE OUT is 2.2v with a 75ohmn impedence. Also incase anyone brings it up, AC voltages should not interfere with a DC voltage, in theory, but it is possible dependent on how the cables are laid out, at the end of the day, and in answer to durdzzz question, if you feel running the cables seperately would help, then run them seperately, I no I would.
  Polo + Micra

i think black cat is a very clued up electronics engineer(sp).

also the point about .5v interfeience(sp) is great because it is likly to be induced on both the positive and the ground at the same time thus causing no difference in p.d

i personally run my cables seperatly, but not due to interference, but space and ease.

And blackcat is very very knowledgable about all areas of electronics, i thin Dink is right and he is an electonics engineer by profession.

Also it is intersesting the way you say balck-cat is wrong, BUT as a topic it can be argued until you are blue in the face, almost implying there is no solid answer, so how can one person be wrong?

Why dont you register on talkaudio, and pose you question to him and see how he responds, as im no where near as knoledgable as he is.

I no i contradict myself by saying he is worng, then saynig you can argue it untill you are blue in the face, but it is my personal opinion he is wrong, and I am also a very knowledgeable regarding audio electronics, I have worked in testing enviroments and sales enviroments for high end hifi systems (The kind where people dont mind spending £250,000 on a system that JUST plays CDs and if you dont believe that kind of thing exists please look up naim, meridian, chord, wilson benesch, Bowers and wilkins, Shahinian, Linn), there is no solid answer, but I strongly believe that I am right! :D

Lol if I spent £250k on a system them got interference Id be pissed!!! No wonder you have never experienced this issue obviously you are using sh*t hot cabling!! :D

But I am no audio expert so I will just pipe down.

so can you prove blackcats wrong through theory? or are you bassing your argument on experinence (which is seems to only be at home), when you cannot really rule out the usualy reason for interference, bad grounding?

are you saying a dedicated spur directly froma fuse box would have bad grounding? if so i do believe that your house needs re-wiring ;)
  Polo + Micra

i think he was talking about grounding in the car, because bad grounding in your house would be down to your earthing arrangement;)
