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poxy lockwood dials 16v

  Toureg vW Transporte

i thought i had a set of white dials ordered for my 95 reg valver until today when the bloke phoned and said they dont fit sagem dials, whys this ?any1 know, ive sent an email direct to lockwood to see if theyll start making them for this model. the standard dials ahve to be the ugliest in the world! oh well cheered myself up by buying wongys r&d rear diffuser, any1 know how to fit these>thanx musnt grumble eh


im gonna be real helpful here ;)

right the splitter first. it just bolts onto origional bumper via 3 bolts,. job done

as for the dials. yeah the cheap dicks at lockwood f**ked up.everyone who has dial kits by lockwood have to cut up the dials to get them to fit properely. i know on the packet it says not made for sagem dials but all fecking 16v dials whatever the age are sagem. think they just used the normal clio rt/rsi dials cut out and made the centre three dials up if that makes sense cost cutting i guess. if ur not scarred of cutting up ur newly puchased dials them i recommentd them. it brightens up the very dull clocks loads. its not hard just tricky but well worth doing

