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Price for a refurbed head ?


ClioSport Club Member
As the title says what kind of money are you looking at for a refurbed head for a ph1 172 ? Skimmed, new valves etc.

2nd hand low milage head for around £100-£150 , a refurbed head would cost you around £400-£500 i think , would be better of buying a ported/polished for £500 ish IMO ,
  2003 Clio 172
I actually know a chap who has one, literally just refurbed.......

A complete engine came up so he took that.

Its in NI like but when has that ever stopped anyone.

  2003 Clio 172
No idea buster.........sorry.

From the conversation, it wasnt cheeeeep

He is on here i think.

He'd sell it im sure

