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problem after problem, now this...

  Clio 182
After two years ownership of my 05 182 it has finally died. The car has been nothing but a money pit since i got it, ive spend thousands on parts over the last two years and last week it actually set on fire and burnt half the engine bay out. I can't work out what caused the fire but im pretty sure it must of started leaking fuel somwhere. However im not writing the car off and intend on fixing it so is there anyone breaking any clios in the northeast? i will need bits like front bumper (preferably black), air con compressor unit, headlight and ballast, alternator ect. heres some pics of the fire... fire/


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
My personal opinion, is throw it in the bin and buy a new one.

If its caused you aggro from day one and now its spontaniously combusted, its trying to tell you something.

You'll have insurance so just claim on it and start again.
  Clio 182
My age though mate im 20 and cant afford to loose my no claims, plus i would be loosing out big time if i take the insurance money.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Daniel is spot on. You'd get 3-4k from the insurance surely !?

You can get 172's for <£2k now...

No brainer if you ask me.

Sometimes you've just got to walk away. I've just sold a car for less than the gearbox rebuild last year cost me. No point throwing money at it for the rest of my life.. move on !


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Mate you were SO lucky there! Looks like the light area was the source of that fire to me though. If it were the fuel line the engine itslef would be blackened/burnt.

Front end stuff isn't cheap but is easy enough to change and thankfully, the wiring looms you need will plug and play from a doner car. I'd have the wiring and fuseboxes checked out before going again though in case you repair it only to set it up to go again.

  Clio 182
yer 3 to 4k insurance money but all that will do is pay the money off i owe on the car. i know getting a new one is seems the best thing to do but if i go through insurance i will struggle to insure a 1L and will have no money left once i have paid the car off so insurance is not an option to be honest. And i know i was lucky ha still took my eyebrows off when it went up!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Good on yer for fixing it but I'd guess at around £800-1k at least to fix properly unless you manage to get lucky with some parts from a breaking car in your colour.
Not sure what caused your fire but wonder if your fuel line was clipped in properly above the pulleys?

After taking mine for tuning work doing many years back the fuel line wasn't clipped in which resulted in it dropping down rubbing on the auxiliary pulleys till it wore a hole and fuel was spraying out. Luckily spotted it in time.

Tough call what you should do. Depends whats cooked
  172 berg, Fabia VRS
That is such a shame that bud, looks like fire is around bout where the fuel rail guard is, ive just changed the aux belt on mine so i think il double check the fuel lines are properly clipped up, sorry about ur car mate!
  Clio 182
yeah the fuel line was 100% clipped in because i checked that about an hour before the fire ha and yes it is that road mate.
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Jesus I thought my luck was bad with cars! :eek:

Hope you get sorted either way and better luck comes around
