Wheels were too small, so put 17s on
Suspension is too soft - so slam it 60mm
The stereo is sh*t, the dashboard and doors are made of some sort of italian cheese
My car was bought by my mum, and both the seats smelt of fanny sweat
But I dont mind that - its quite nice
The engine is powered by a small hamster, I called mine Mcf**k, who runs quite hard but the car is still under powered
When going up hills Mcf**k gets tired and I start rolling backwards
Theres no room for the 14 year old school boys in the back - they complain about the lack of room, and the size of my small penis
But I digress... basically the car is sh*t and not worth the money - the exhaust looks like a dogs dick hanging down, and I get beaten off the line by lincolnshire tractors...
Feel free to email mailto:badassliam2000@hotmail.com">badassliam2000@hotmail.com with comments of course