I have the privilege (sometimes dubious, granted!) of living in Wales. As Evo, Car and so on all espouse, Wales does have some very fine, clear roads.
That, along with the fact that I dont know of a drag strip in Wales, is why I dont go 1/4 miles! (well, not yet anyway!).
If I read the posts correctly, some say its a crime to have a moded car like mine and not to take it to the strip. Fair enough - if thats what your car is built for. But mine is built for the driving on my local roads.
The strip and tracks are safer venues to explore the performance of your car - but often for people who would otherwise spend their time stuck in traffic jams and in loads of traffic. Not that I wont got to a track - but there is less of an urge to drive maybe 200+ miles away from home, when youre already driving (safely) on some of the UKs finest roads in Wales!
Girlracer - fair comment about our cars! Id far rather buy a low mileage minter from you than a car like mine! But cars like Nicks arent really going to be sold in the near future - its a creation for himself. I do look after mine, and am sure it would stand very well in comparison with your Raider