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PS3 fan....

I have a cabinet with all my AV stuff in it.

The PS3 is on it's own shelf, has 7.5cm either side of free space, 6cm on the top + 10cm on the back.

The fan comes on after 5 minutes, does anyone else's do this?


p.s streaming media, eye connnect will not play avi's or xvid's, the media center on the ps3 can see the mac, but cannot play it.

  VX220 Turbo
i'd of thought it wasnt a case of how much space there was but rather the fact that it might just be pulling in warm air (if the cabinet is fully enclosed)
if it's open front i wouidnt worry about it
  Mégane RS
i work at a electrical retail shop and weve had a lot of ps3's back cause of overheating lol
