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I'm looking forward to it more than the Xbox 360. The Xbox has Xbox live which really attracts me, but I still feel the PS3 will have the edge software wise again.

We had one up and running in the office today, the graphics chips were very early and not really capable of showing much though.

And it goes without saying I'll get a Revolution, because I'm a Nintendo fanboy. They inovate and do what they want.
cos every fucker buys one and says how good it is when actually its not that great, loads of s**t games get produced that people think are amazing which in fact they arent.

simple fact, the first playstation was no better than its competiton (i.e. dream cast / n64 ) however every mofo bought one and came on it!

the ps2 followed on and was crap compared to the xbox but because the chav's had bought the ps1 then had to buy the ps2,

and so on....

sorry but thats my opinion
  Mk2 Golf GTI
How does that make it chav you dick hole?!

What the f**k is a console without games? Nothing, and like it or not PS2 DOES have good games.


FFS, the PS1 was the first and probably the only time we'll get that massive wow factor in gaming. The first time I saw Ridge Racer running I was shocked. Even after having a 3DO on my desk for ages, the PS1 was light years ahead.

You can't compare the Dreamcast to the PS1, it was the Saturn that was out around then. The N64 joined the party too late and lacked certain features to allow it to compete.
  Mk2 Golf GTI
Yeah cuz everyone eats chicken sandwiches, even though everything tastes like chicken.

Everyone's got an opinion but a console being chav is just downright ridiculous!

I suppose ipods are chav, Technics turntables are chav the list goes on!
it doesn't make sense..... see my point? lol

anyways i played the new xbox 360 in HMV, was well impressed with the graphics, were amazing!
lol, why is it stupid?

i wasnt saying that everyone who owned one is a chav, its just a generalisation... in the same way that nova drivers are chav's, ive driven a nova since i passed my test but im so far away from being a chav.

Lexus lights for example... chavvy as f**k however some people dont think so.. surely these are my opinions.. stupid or not you cant take it away from me


cos he's entitled to his opinion on your opinion on the ps1, 2 and 3's! Chav my arse!
all comments are stupid, thats my opinion. Nova's are now classed as "chav" and because of that i would never buy one.
I had lexus lights on my 1st car, now they are branded "chav" so naturally i would never buy them again.
Now your branding a computer console as "chav" which in my opinion is just a silly thing to do, eventually i will not be able to buy one because of its newly branded name!
Along with my chicken sandwich... in which im heading to asda now to stock up before i am unable to buy another one :(

so as you can see, the whole branding thing "chav" has got out way of control, so we all need to stop it now,
if you don't like a ps1/2/3, maybe you should of said, "i think a game console is a materialistic product of the new age society in which i share negative opinions about" ;)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
He's got a point. I can't see many hood-wearing scroats being concerned with Nintendos (nowhere near fackin 'ard enough tobe seen playing Mario, is i?) - likewise with PCs as they take some intelligence to use. XBoxs aren't chavvy - yet, either....

Let's face it, if the set designer on a Vicky Pollard sketch needed to put a console in there - you could bet your bottom dollar that it would be a PlayStation! Not having a dig - I can just see where RSi Dave is coming from ;)

but ever thought that its because the playstation is the most popular console out there.
Now if a nintendo was the best buy, then you would all be saying nintendo are chavvy
  Mazda MX5 1.8
i think rather than "chav" the more appropriate word would be "common". however a fair amount of people who are "common" could also be called "chavs" (no i dont really know what im going on about either)

dont think any info has been released about the ps3 but i think it will more or less be on par with the xbox 360
  ph2 172
I really think that RSI daves comment was said for a comeback as I can't understand someone saying that and actually believing it!

Im debating whether that is the most stupid thing i'v ever heard. The meaning 'Chav' is normally put on people because of the clothes they wear, the car they drive, and the way they conduct themselvelves. Not because of the console they choose to play on.

I bet Prince William or Harry have had a playsatation in their time, would you class them as Chavs/scallies aswell??
