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PS4 preorder help

  172 cup
Against my better judgement I preordered the ps4 with blockbuster. Only to find out yesterday I was being refunded as they have gone into administration.

Now I've been told by a few people that the preorder waiting list is so long people wont get a PS4 till after Xmas.

I have been on a few website (amazon, game) and they don't have a preorder option, just the full price of the console. This doesn't help as I get paid two days before its release.

So does anyone know where I can preorder from that will get it in for release date?
  Clio Rs 200T
If you go to your local game, see if they are getting any none preorder stock.... My local store is ordering more then preorderd, so they should have some non preorder stock.


ClioSport Club Member
Hard luck mate - its true. Orders are now guaranteed for Christmas.

Have a look on for some good deals. But game-day release pre-orders sold out a while back.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
Shopto have sold out of their launch day allocation. They are now offering the "pre-order for christmas"


  911 GTS Cab
Tbh, you're lucky you're getting your money back from blockbuster, that'll teach you to preorder from a company that's previously gone into administration, try a proper company like Game! ;)
  Ph 1 172
Dude try Sainsburys!!! My local on only has like 1 pre order taken place and they have a few consoles coming in
  Goliath I
When I worked for MVC the company went into administration just before Christmas too.

You're pretty lucky you got the deposit back so easily tbh, anyone who had preordered anything with us had to write off to the administrators.

We told one guy he couldn't have his money back and he started smashing up half the shop up! It was pretty funny and gave us a good laugh though tbh

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
My pre order from amazon apparently won't be delivered until 'before Xmas' whenever that is.....I assume turning up at the likes of Argos a couple of minutes before it opens is unlikely to result in getting a console on release day? Lol


ClioSport Club Member
Oh no - a similar dept. store?

I had pre-ordered through amazon - with Day one Forza.

Then realised JL stock it - I get 15% discount and could build my own package for way cheaper. Although do have to wait until 11pm on the 22nd. Damn.


  911 GTS Cab
Oh no - a similar dept. store?

I had pre-ordered through amazon - with Day one Forza.

Then realised JL stock it - I get 15% discount and could build my own package for way cheaper. Although do have to wait until 11pm on the 22nd. Damn.
A ps4 with forza, wow, that's a special bundle.


  911 GTS Cab
You know this is the ps4 preorder thread right r****d? Piss off to your xbox thread why don't you!


ClioSport Club Member

Chill out son. Game day - go to the less popular stores for electronic entertainment devices. Ps4/Xbone.... Who gives a f**k?

Back in your box dk. Shhhh


  911 GTS Cab
Why the need, asda are selling day one consoles now, you can preorder today.

look nobody gives a damn about your forza edition in here, or that you get a discount to be able to afford one.


ClioSport Club Member
Yes but ps4 is only guaranteed for Christmas not release day.

Obviously you're a bit slow;

PS4 is only available for pre order guaranteed for Christmas. My completely valid point is that perhaps the not so relevat stores may still receive some for release day, but not for pre order. DA DUH.

Well I don't fancy paying 32.9% APR tbh, mate.


  911 GTS Cab
Look my simple friend, asda site now, ps4 preorder for launch day, with or without games, well I think the solo console has just gone out of stock as it's been posted on hukd

currently though,default,pd.html

Product availability status:
In Stock soon.
Item is available to pre-order for FREE DELIVERY on release date.

Guaranteed Day 1 Stock
1 Console per Customer
Asda reserves the right to cancel multiple orders.


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  911 GTS Cab
But yes, some random stores are more likely to have stock on launch day if you haven't managed to preorder! or find someone at work who's preordered and they don't want it! I have a preorder and am not going to bother now, so someone at work is going to give me the money to take it instead.

There's reports that stock is readily available in the US......


  911 GTS Cab
Well you could have said that in the first place haha.

Nice to meet a fellow HUKDer.

Much love.
you get some right s**t on there these days, but the odd nugget pops up!

you have to be so quick though as once is labelled as hot on there things sell out so quickly.
