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** PSP ** Gran Turismo


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
well dont dispare as its ment to come out very soon after the psp game, also apparently you can swop cars from GT5 to GT5psp and visa versa
Don't really see the point of this, or tbh the PSP/DS in general unless you're a city dweller who spends vast amounts of time in trains/taxis/planes travelling.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Don't really see the point of this, or tbh the PSP/DS in general unless you're a city dweller who spends vast amounts of time in trains/taxis/planes travelling.

They are great devices for a quick 30mins while on holiday.

Never been bothered with airport delays since I've had mine. :)

  MY10 R35 GTR
pre-ordered GT5 today.

still got to admit Forza 3 is looking pretty damn good.


How will this work though? The PSP doesnt have analogue X,O etc buttons for throttle/brake?
  182 Cup/Mk5 Gti
i shall be getting this, will be perfect for when i cover nights next! £8 per hour to play gt5 yes please!
  A4 Avant & A3
Can you still save cash & upgrade cars in this version?, i'm sure i read that this is not included.. that was the best part of it.. adding turbos to crappy cars

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
CVG Review only gave it 6.7
Lets hope they do a better job on PS3 version ;)

This is Gran Turismo. The big boy. The game that should define PSP. It's been in development for absolutely yonks. Now we've played it extensively we find ourselves wondering what Polyphony has been doing with it since 2004 because this is not at all the game we expected.

Despite Kazunori himself proclaiming this to be a "fully-fledged" GT game, GT PSP comes across like a rushed patch job. Let us say this first - the physics are really good. The cars handle brilliantly, they have a solid feeling of weight and momentum and you can feel this weight move around as you throw cars into bends and put the suspension under strain.

It's easily the most realistic handling we've seen in a PSP driving game, and all this is done at a silky smooth 60 frames per second which, on the little screen, looks lush. That's why screenshots and trailers had us all excited. But great handling and a smooth frame rate aren't the only important factors of a racing game, and GT PSP falls short in almost every other area.

The main mode of the game has no structure. Hit the single-player option and you have three modes; the standard Time Trial (with no online leaderboards, we might add), Drift Trial (again, no leaderboards and no set goals), and Single Race. That's it.

In Single Race, you're thrown a grid of 45 individual races. Nothing except the race course is pre-determined. The cars you race against are scaled on what car you enter with. So if you're in a Corsa you'll race Puntos and Fiestas, for example. Join in a Ferrari Enzo and the game breaks out the Lamborghinis and Pegani Zondas.

You choose the number of laps - not even that is set - and the difficulty, although only the super-easy Grade D setting is available for each race at first. When you win a race you get cash with which to buy cars and unlock the next grade for that course only.

There are no championships, no trophies and to that end, no sense of achievement. You're just grinding races. Being forced to race the easy grades for each and every race is bloody infuriating. That's hours of monotonous play time spent light-years ahead of the pack on an empty course.

Gran Turismo has in the past been criticised for typically allowing you to buy a fast car and race ahead of the computer. But at least in previous games you knew what challenge a particular event set you, and you worked hard to get a car fast enough to beat it.

When you won it felt like the reward of your efforts to buy and then upgrade your car with all the fattest turbos and whatnot. But there's no parts-based modification in here. You can change some gear ratios, tyres and camber settings, but you can't slap on exhaust kits or new air induction kits - like you could in the PSone games that made the GT series so legendary.

In this, you can enter any race with any car (you have to enter mud and snow courses with a four-wheel-drive car, but that's the only restriction we encountered) and quite easily win, so what's the incentive to buy new cars?

Simply put, there isn't one - not outside of satisfying your own fantasies of getting a car you'll never own in real life. That being the case, you'd think affording that dream Ferrari would take quite some time and effort. That'd give you something to aim for. Nope - we rocked out of the game's training mode with almost a million quid and slapped 500k on a bad-ass super car before we'd even done a single race. Hmm...

The car purchasing system is unique in that not all of the game's 300+ cars are available to buy at the same time. A seemingly random handful of around five dealers are made available for each in-game day (days pass each time you race a couple of events), before they disappear to make way for another five the next day.

The whole idea is that you keep your eye out for the car you want until you're lucky enough for it to appear. We don't like that. When you have nearly a million quid and want to buy a Subaru Impreza for the rally races, it's bloody annoying when it refuses to turn up.

That's essentially what this game boils down to though - it's a collection game. A Pokémon-style, monster hunting, collect-'em-up with 'grinding' disguised as racing, and you're supposed to take satisfaction from needlessly hoarding cars instead of little yellow, pointy-eared monsters. Then trade them with mates who also want to get every car in the game for no reason.

At the very least, we expected the game's visual production values to be through the roof. But it seems that the silky 60-frames-per-second rate came with some hefty cutbacks, too. You'll often see tearing white lines in-between polygons - something we haven't seen since the PSone days.

If you play from the bumper view you'll sometimes see entire polygons on the floor below you disappear as the camera slips just below the texture, particularly when you career into bumpy sand traps.

And during replays (which generally look quite nice) badly positioned camera angles see cars often drive through your point of view, resulting in a mess of disappearing polys. The game has some seriously unforgivably blurry textures too. The cars look amazing, but on occasion the curbs - something you come into direct contact with as you race - look like they're having a blur-off with an N64 game you can't help but notice.

Despite all that, there are only four cars on the course. Ridge Racer on PSP - a launch game we might add - looks better, moves smoothly, is fast as you like and has 12 cars on course. Motorstorm: Arctic Edge (review here) also looks brilliant, is packed with visual detail, has great physics and holds up solid with ten cars on course. That's just better.

As big fans of the series, we have to say, we're bitter. This is not what we expected from Kazunori's boys. They can do better than this. They have done better than this on a home console with a fraction of the power (we're talking about the stunning Gran Turismo 2).

Superb car handling is the only redeeming factor for GT PSP. It feels great to drive. But that driving needed to be packaged with an actual racing game and that game isn't here. It's just an endless grind of relatively easy, empty course driving, and a far cry from the "full-scale Gran Turismo experience" it was claimed to be.

Mike Jackson

// OverviewVerdict
Should have been epic but GT PSP is a let down that stalls on the start line.
Fantastic handling
Cars looks amazing
60 frames-per second smoothness

No structure to the main game
Endless grinding, no sense of achievement
No incentive to buy cars
  A4 Avant
Only 4 cars, no upgrades and no structured single player mode. What have they been doing for so long?
What have they been doing for so long?

Counting their money.
Patting themselves on the back for millions of sales of previous games.
Modelling every 65hp shitbox korean city car they can lay their hands on.
Working on their understeer engine.
Perfecting the single pitch tyre squeel effects.
Making sure every engine sounds like a moped with a turbo attached.
Finding the perfect Jazz for the menu screens.
Counting their money.
Patting themselves on the back for millions of sales of previous games.
Modelling every 65hp s**tbox korean city car they can lay their hands on.
Working on their understeer engine.
Perfecting the single pitch tyre squeel effects.
Making sure every engine sounds like a moped with a turbo attached.
Finding the perfect Jazz for the menu screens.

And yet it's still the most talked about/purchased driving series, despite not really having had any significant changes for 10 years.

Apparently, people really like car-collect-em-ups.
I think it's a case of it being digital car p**n. When GT first came out there was nothing out there that could touch it, certainly not on consoles. GT2 came out and again was the best of whats on offer. Since then (although I bought each GT game as it was released) it's not really evolved much. Massive list of cars, pretty graphics and that's it. It was only playing Forza then going back to GT (I've not done PC gaming in 15+ years) that pointed out just how lacking the physics engine is.

It certainly feels that to be the "the real driving simulator" in PD's eyes at least all you have to do is create the best graphics you can and throw vast numbers of cars at gamers.

I think PD have done alot for the genre but they need to keep pushing forwards and doing new things rather than sitting back and making money off the legacy of the series. I do still love some of the tracks in the GT series and some of the models you get in them that you don't see in other titles but that's not enough to stand above the competition.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think it's a case of it being digital car p**n. When GT first came out there was nothing out there that could touch it, certainly not on consoles. GT2 came out and again was the best of whats on offer. Since then (although I bought each GT game as it was released) it's not really evolved much. Massive list of cars, pretty graphics and that's it. It was only playing Forza then going back to GT (I've not done PC gaming in 15+ years) that pointed out just how lacking the physics engine is.

It certainly feels that to be the "the real driving simulator" in PD's eyes at least all you have to do is create the best graphics you can and throw vast numbers of cars at gamers.

I think PD have done alot for the genre but they need to keep pushing forwards and doing new things rather than sitting back and making money off the legacy of the series. I do still love some of the tracks in the GT series and some of the models you get in them that you don't see in other titles but that's not enough to stand above the competition.

Good post m8. Nice to see that although you're clearly keen to see GT as a success, you've also got your eyes open to Sony's failures!

I'll probably still buy it for the PSP as I think it's a platform that is sorely missing a decent racing game in terms of handling.

Way I see it is it's in my interest as a gamer and racing game fan to see them do well. As long as there is a battle between Forza and GT and each dev tries to outdo the other we all see better games as a result.
