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Putting pictures of car onto site

  172, Westfield
How do I go about putting pictures of my car onto the site and do I need to be a member first?
get a free account to upload your pics into, like photo bucket etc & then link from that.

there is no facility on here any more for uploading.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
use (free) to upload your pictures to, then use the IMG code (from within Photobucket, under each pic submitted) to paste the pics on the forum. Don't think you need to be a member.
  1.8 Civic EX
there is mate...if you "go advanced" on the post you can click the paper clip and you upload pics there...they have to be a certain size tho depending on file type...
  A number of clios
use photobucket to upload them mate( copy the url address then click on the little picture on the reply thread (looks like a post card and says insert image on when you hold mouse over it) then paste the address and press ok.oh you need to set up an account with photobucket its free.
  1.8 Civic EX
just use paint or photoshop etc, change the brush to white, draw over it, save a goodun'
