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Puzzle Quest 2 - why do I do it to myself?!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I really, really should have learnt by now. ALL Puzzle Quest games are fixed. The CPU opposition will win, win and win and leave you thinking 'WTF?' time and again. They are the gambling equivalent of a one-armed-bandit machine - so rigged, you ask yourself why are you wasting time even playing it.

It gives you a few piss-easy opposition to draw you in, then WHAM - here you are - have some of those spuds....

Four quick screenshots of a typical demise.....

4-in-a-row so the CPU gets another go...


...and another....


...then hits you with a special ability...


....and the occasional stunning for good measure....


I don't know why I buy these games - they are all the bloody same! The CPU gets to a stage where it has go after go without any intervention from yourself. Then when you do get to fight back, there's a bloody good chance the CPU will block it.

Still, if Puzzle Quest 3 was released tomorrow - I'd still buy it. The pillock that I am. ;)

