Good answer!!!Quote: Originally posted by ClioDan on 26 March 2004
r****d, go buy petrol??
correct, you shouldnt run the car with that low an amount of fuel anyway!Quote: Originally posted by RTvalver on 26 March 2004
its reserve. the needle with go below R, at least it did on the old clios, using up your reserve petrol.
there is a smaller reserve tank on valvers..When you reach empty it switches on a electric fuel pump which transfers petrol out of the reserve tank into the main tank.Quote: Originally posted by RTvalver on 26 March 2004
its reserve. the needle with go below R, at least it did on the old clios, using up your reserve petrol.
shouldnt matter. The fuel pump sucks out the fuel from the bottem of the tank wether its full or empty.Quote: Originally posted by TheJesus on 27 March 2004
correct, you shouldnt run the car with that low an amount of fuel anyway!Quote: Originally posted by RTvalver on 26 March 2004
its reserve. the needle with go below R, at least it did on the old clios, using up your reserve petrol.
Started to get a bit worried then, my car is always low on fuel, glad to here that it isnt doing it any damage.Quote: Originally posted by JAY172 on 27 March 2004
shouldnt matter. The fuel pump sucks out the fuel from the bottem of the tank wether its full or empty.Quote: Originally posted by TheJesus on 27 March 2004
correct, you shouldnt run the car with that low an amount of fuel anyway!Quote: Originally posted by RTvalver on 26 March 2004
its reserve. the needle with go below R, at least it did on the old clios, using up your reserve petrol.
Thats the scooby doo answerQuote: Originally posted by SteveJJH on 27 March 2004
not just on valvers jay surely? what about 1.4/1.8/RSi etc. i would of thought it was a common design, maybe not all the same size etc but still a reserve tank.Quote: Originally posted by JAY172 on 27 March 2004
there is a smaller reserve tank on valvers..When you reach empty it switches on a electric fuel pump which transfers petrol out of the reserve tank into the main tank.Quote: Originally posted by RTvalver on 26 March 2004
its reserve. the needle with go below R, at least it did on the old clios, using up your reserve petrol.
LOL, Im in a silly mood and have been chuckling at that for about an hour.Quote: Originally posted by Biggy on 27 March 2004
Thats the scooby doo answerQuote: Originally posted by SteveJJH on 27 March 2004