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Coming home from work and behind me coming on fast was wot looked at first like 206 lights..didnt pay much attention but he kept racing up my arse gave him a bit of break lights but he didnt pay atention and just kept coming as he got right up my a hole saw it was an mpv and noticed the FORD badge..again didn get wound up and just pottled along at 50mph again right up my arss wot a dick..cming up to a bad corner thought b****cks let have a try dropped to third 4.5rpm and fllored the little b**ch up to redline almost like craggy does ha ha and 70 came and went so did 80-90-100 coming to a long striahgt fourth flooring like a git 110 and 125 came an went thought sh*te better look in mirror..galaxy was gone no lights behind me at all.though git has turned off but as i pulled into garage for chockys mr galaxy came past going like a git...i gave hime a wave and off he went..wot an idiot but then again shuldnt have raced him i suppose

Youre in or near Sheffield arent you? I think you just came across the same Galaxy as I did. Undertook me at about 90mph, the tw*t!

its the car, not the driver, i hired one of those one day to carry some of the family about and found myself going into boy racer mode for some reason and trying to out brake people and stuff!!!

LOL My cousin is Jinxed by Galaxies -

in his VTR he overtook a Tdi and we couldnt out accelerate it - eventually it overtook us:eek: we saw the rear end of it for 50 miles!!

Then 2 weeks after getting his Scoob Turbo and still running it in on the same stretch of road we tried to overtake a V6 one - the bugger put his foot down and we couldnt keep up!! LOL

He steers clear of them now - even in his 300bhp RX7 - hes scared of them:D

LOL yeah must be something about em, had a right c*ck in the v6 try to cut me up the other day so had to put him in his place
