Coming home from work and behind me coming on fast was wot looked at first like 206 lights..didnt pay much attention but he kept racing up my arse gave him a bit of break lights but he didnt pay atention and just kept coming as he got right up my a hole saw it was an mpv and noticed the FORD badge..again didn get wound up and just pottled along at 50mph again right up my arss wot a dick..cming up to a bad corner thought b****cks let have a try dropped to third 4.5rpm and fllored the little b**ch up to redline almost like craggy does ha ha and 70 came and went so did 80-90-100 coming to a long striahgt fourth flooring like a git 110 and 125 came an went thought sh*te better look in mirror..galaxy was gone no lights behind me at all.though git has turned off but as i pulled into garage for chockys mr galaxy came past going like a git...i gave hime a wave and off he went..wot an idiot but then again shuldnt have raced him i suppose