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Racing Blue 182

  Nissan 370Z
Want to make this stand out a bit more than just a normal 182.

what colour do people think would look good for liek the front badge, bullets, calipers etc...?



  F360 BCGT 182
I'm thinking of doing certain things Yellow on my RB182 so I'll be watching this thread for inspiration (and tips) lol.
  Hyundai i40
I didnt actually state a change of wheel colour

you didnt state that you didnt want to change your wheel colour either

you said you wanted to be different

have a look at this

quick search will find you loads of RB threads

yellow bits


and perfection in a RB iMO

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ClioSport Club Member
I'd just drive it for a bit, let the novelty wear off then change things as and when.
i have got a french racing blue also doing some bits to mine, i have kawaski green diamond badges (Different). I am doing the bullets in white with the racing blue nums and letters, getting white alloys, and maybe doing the callipers green too got the paint but am unsure.
  Nissan 370Z
Well, went to get this today as planned, turned up, waited..then got told it failed its mot due to the rear left brake caliper not clamping or something.

But i have looked at the parts manifest and all looks ok, had 4new tyres, new section for the exhaust, new front discs and pads. So not too bad really.

Leaving work 15mins early tomorrw and getting it, gonna get some pictures with my mates 197 and put them on here tomorrow!

His is racing blue too.
  Nissan 370Z
Yellow callipers!
Interesting...probably the best colour to go for tbh on a racing blue...not sure if many other colours would suit it.

You gonna get some pics up?
