ITB BG 182
I know there are many differnt sorts of pads to buy for the porter cable polisher but i just dont know which ones to buy.
All ive got at the mo is a massive white one thats got its own backing plate, a large an spot yellow pad an 2 blue pads.
Im basically after re-stocking up ready for the year ahead as i know ive got 4 detailing jobs lined up for when the weather is better so i would say about £60 in pads would do an about £40 in polish's an a little extra for a good wax on lights an one on darks, ive got a soverign wax but thats for me only.
I do need a pad thats going to be good to use on cars that are heavey swirld or scratched, then one for lightly done and then for glazes protectants wax's etc etc.
So can some one tell me what pads are for what exactly. (i know abit already but some one who taught me put on the back of each pads what its best use is)
Wheres best to get them from.
And is poorboys SSR range actually much copp as im finding it s**t to use an merenza better.
Is there anything else that some one might think would be useful to me to have or well help me along in doing jobs like this, an not that test gauge thingy.
All ive got at the mo is a massive white one thats got its own backing plate, a large an spot yellow pad an 2 blue pads.
Im basically after re-stocking up ready for the year ahead as i know ive got 4 detailing jobs lined up for when the weather is better so i would say about £60 in pads would do an about £40 in polish's an a little extra for a good wax on lights an one on darks, ive got a soverign wax but thats for me only.
I do need a pad thats going to be good to use on cars that are heavey swirld or scratched, then one for lightly done and then for glazes protectants wax's etc etc.
So can some one tell me what pads are for what exactly. (i know abit already but some one who taught me put on the back of each pads what its best use is)
Wheres best to get them from.
And is poorboys SSR range actually much copp as im finding it s**t to use an merenza better.
Is there anything else that some one might think would be useful to me to have or well help me along in doing jobs like this, an not that test gauge thingy.