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rear seat removal - problem :(

You can now get to the bolt holding the seat back in. Undo the bolt that is closest to the back, then you may have to loosen the front bolt.


using the cliosport guide to removing the seats and when i got to this bolt it just would not turn at all, i have tried WD40 and let it really soak in but the bugger just isnt turning. and im going through torx keys :D

ive not worn out the bolt so i can still get a good grip on the torx "star" shape, but would there be any reason that the bolt is not turning??


Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
It gets really rusted up underneath the car, clean it from underneath and if possible get someone to heat it up. However I have lost before and been forced to drill it which is a coont to do!


ClioSport Club Member
mine was in very firmly but as soon as i got it turning it came out smoothly, can you get your torx bit into a ratchet, you'll have some extra leverage there so should come out.

^unless you already have it in a ratchet, in which case your screwed:p
cheers guys,

have tried gettin more leverage so dont say im fooked :D

hadnt thought of cleaning it, have sprayed good old WD40 on both sides, top and underneath so will give it a go with a wire brush!

edde - would i just use a hair dryer to get the metal nice and warm around the bolt and then try again?

cheers guys,

ok cheers guys will do, think am too hacked off now so will sleep on it and give it another bashing tomorrow.

cheers for the help as always guys

